As most of you know, I was diagnosed as being gluten intolerant last January. It has been a very hard year trying to change my eating habits, and unfortunately, I feel like it is only getting worse. I would go on “wheat benders” as I refer to them as, where I would gorge on as many gluten-filled items as possible, only to feel horrible for weeks to come. This would prompt me to go very strict, only to find that a little gluten had slipped in unknowingly, making me ill again. The constant struggle and discomfort was just too much for me, so I decided to go both gluten and lactose free at the beginning of this month. In addition, I started a food diary to track my daily intake and how I felt afterwards. I hope this will help me see exactly what I can and cannot eat and prevent further poisoning.
Unfortunately, it’s been a bumpy road. I’ve noticed I can’t really eat out (which breaks my heart), and that dairy definitely effects me just as bad, if not worse, than gluten. Not a very easy reality to adjust to. If any of you readers have any advice to dish out, I am all ears. I miss living a life without any stomach pain.