I love opening the floor to you guys to choose my hump day hotties because you always do a great job opening my eyes to new dudes. Just when I thought I had covered them all (impossible, right?), I am proved wrong. Sure, I may not like the US version of Being Human (I’m all UK, all the time), and my eyes may only be for one Aidan (Turner, that is), but I can agree with this choice. Sam Witwer, I think any girl worth her salt would choose you over Edward Cullen any day.
Happy Hump Day: Sam Huntington
I opened up voting for this week’s hump day hottie on the blog’s Facebook page and you guys spoke up with Sam Huntington from SyFy’s Being Human. Although I’m not a big fan of this US version (it was originally a series on the BBC), I can appreciate the cuties on the show. Sam plays a man grappling with the reality that he is a werewolf, that has just shacked up with his coworker, a vampire, in an attempt at being human. Upon choosing their space, they realize that they have inherited a third roommate: a ghost. Although I like the concept, I feel like this US version doesn’t make it very believable. I’m curious to check out the original UK series, as everyone raves about it constantly – but, enough about the show, let’s give Sam a little love!