I’m proud to say that this was one of my contributions to The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick‘s 5 Fandom Friday prompts. Obviously, I’m a fan of binge watching shows. I try my best not to go full-binge, so that I don’t feel empty and sad inside when I no longer have a show to watch, but I have been known to spend the better part of a day sprawled out on my couch, gluten free pizza in hand watching episode after episode of a new fav. Don’t judge me, you know you do the same.
So here are some of my current binge-worthy shows (plus: you can find them all on Netflix, so haveĀ at it!):
1. Parks & Recreation; I am pretty sure I was the last possible person to get into this show. Truth is, I started watching it as it aired on TV, and I just didn’t think it was that funny. Thing is, apparently it got better the 2nd season, when I had long abandoned it. Fast forward to now, and seeing all the hilarious montage clips my friends were posting on Facebook in honor of the show’s ending, and I had to give it another chance. I am so so so glad I did. It is literally my happy place. I’m currently on Season 5 (of 6) and I never want it to end. I love all the characters like they are my actual friends, and know I’ll cry ugly tears once it’s all over.