First off, HI everyone! I am back to blogging and am so happy to be here, sharing the things I love with you all. Look forward to lots of fun DIY’s, coverage of Miami geek-centric events and, as always, geeky fun + fashion! With that said, I’m launching into something I’ve really gotten into lately when I want to stand out with something unique: customizing vests/jackets. As you all know, I rocked my very first “fandom jacket” last year at SDCC, and since then, I’ve wanted to have several different themed jackets and vests depending on the event/location/mood. I started on a motherhood vest late last year, and just started on my Disney one.
Reason I like making these is because with all the geeky pop culture merch flying out of seemingly everywhere and anywhere lately, it is hard to stand out with something original at times. I like thinking that with one of these, no one will have my exact outfit, and that makes me feel pretty special. They are also so fun to put together! So fun, I decided to share my process with all of you!