This one hurts a little bit. Nine. NINE. You like to remind me that this is your last single-digit birthday, and I tell you to please stop. You very quickly shout “no!” paired with that contagious giggle of yours.
I see you growing up, and it’s both beautiful and a little terrifying. A little painful. Things feel harder now. You don’t just need my help to tie shoes or to open a tightly wrapped toy. You need help understanding loss, mistakes, jealousy, anger. You want to know about the whole world, but are still young enough that I feel the need to shield you. You love academia – still a fantastic student and just as eager to go to school every single morning, not only to see your friends, but to LEARN. How you love to learn. In fact, you love it so much, you say you want to be a teacher when you grow up.

Your heart is so big. Your light is so bright. You are kind, endlessly full of quirky energy, and always ready to have a good time. Always the performer, your favorite place is on a stage, and you have added a cheer floor to the mix this year. You are strong, and work hard to get better at the things you love. You are a voracious reader, especially of graphic novels. You love Taylor Swift and the Descendants, and I can find you creating your own choreography anytime I pass by your room. You love playing with makeup, Kuromi (and anything you consider “emo”), and learning new acro tricks. You started to travel the world with us, and can’t wait to continue to add stamps to your passport.

What I love the most is that you know EXACTLY who you are, and you are not ashamed of it in the least. You proudly state that you are a nerd and enjoy being every bit the individual you are at only nine years old. Some days are hard. Very, very hard. We are painstakingly honest with you about your ADHD, and I know you chose me to challenge me, and help me become better. I tell you every single day that you are my best friend and that we are a team. You may be an only child, but you are the furthest thing from alone. You have so many people that love you, and believe in you.
Something about this year feels big, I can see you changing. With all the changes: from PJ Masks and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to Lululemon and Sephora, remember to never change your heart. Your soul. Do not change for one single soul. Not even for me. Not for one minute.

Don’t forget: to me, you are perfect.
Happy birthday, moon. Cheers to new adventures ahead!