Saturday is usually the busiest day at Comic Con, but this year it seemed to be relatively calm. Please note: seemed. We woke up bright and early at 4am, stumbled into our clothes and jumped in the car. What could possibly have had us up and at ‘em at such an hour? No one else but the boy who lived: Harry Potter.
When we plopped down in (the already massive) line at 5:30am, we were not fully functional and definitely not looking forward to sitting stationery for the next 6 hours. But we were troopers. We napped, we gossiped, we tweeted, we photographed and before we knew it, it was 10:30am and we were being moved into Hall H.
And my sinuses rebelled.
My nose just erupted into hot itchy mess that made me want to rip it off my face and not even a Claritin could help. This lasted the rest of the day. I seriously had moments where I thought I could possibly be allergic to one of the two spectrums: nerd or hot men. Because Saturday was full of both.