This year has been very motivational and inspirational for me. I have decided to throw myself equally into this blog and my 9-5 career, and it has proven to be one of my best decisions. I feel very inspired by a lot of fellow geeky ladies that are out there girl bossing, and find myself wanting to join that elite crew. I know my blogging career is only just beginning (despite being in the game for 6 years), and I can’t wait to see what the future holds! These are some ladies (celebrities and not) that keep that driving force within me moving at full steam:
1. Megan at The Nerdy Girlie; Since stumbling on Meg via Instagram, I’ve felt like we were geeky girl soul sisters. I was lucky enough to meet her last year at SDCC and spend some time (although sporadically – it’s Comic Con afterall) with her, which only solidified that. She’s been through a lot this year, and still soldiers ahead with loads of positive energy and bigger, badder goals.