As I near the moment when I will be made responsible for another person’s life (I’m being induced today!), I have been putting a lot of thought into the kind of parent I want to be. What values I want to instill in my child – the kind of child I want to raise. I know a lot of people will be weighing in on what we should or should not do, so I want to jot down these reminders that I have learned (some the hard way, others not) as I grow older (but none the wiser, it seems).
This has been resonating very strong with me lately. I’ve had some experiences this year that have exposed me to the power of “hive mind” and “groupthink,” and its ability to make you feel guilty or shunned. Never lose yourself and don’t be afraid to make the right decisions for YOU. Now, I saw this on a professional level, but I will definitely be applying it to my new family. I know many people will have opinions, but the only one I’m going to take into account is my own and my husband’s because ultimately, we will know what is best for our little party of 3. But, again, this applies to all areas of life. Don’t let yourself be roped into making a decision (or not) because you don’t want to let people down or feel like you would be mocked, ignored or ostracized. No one is living your life but YOU and you only have one, last time I checked. Be selfish.