I was struggling with today’s post. I felt like I had nothing.
And then Augi told me to sit and read the following website: Days with My Father.
I sat down with my glass of water and definitely did not expect to feel what I did for the next 10 minutes. It was probably the strongest emotions I have felt in some time.
You see, Days with My Father chronicles Phillip Toledano‘s last few years with his father after his mother’s death through both (amazing) photos & journaling. What makes it especially heart wrenching is that his father suffers from short term memory loss, thus making a lot of life one big question mark. However, through these rough times, Toledano is able to connect with his father more than ever and gets the opportunity to really get to know him.
It is the most honest and beautiful thing I have seen in some time. At times, I could barely read because my vision was blurred with tears and seconds later, I was laughing. And the same can be said for life. All of ours. This beautifully tragic journey.
Please check this site out, but make sure you have tissues nearby.