I had a thing for Stitch for a very long time (OK, I still do). My 21st family birthday cake had his face on it (my friends got me one with Elijah Wood’s face on it – ha), and I basically had every single piece of Stitch-related paraphernalia available. People even state that my dogs are very Stitch-like (they are), so naturally I NEED THIS CASE. Did I make myself clear?
Lovable Friday!
I am very late to this pop culture train, but the hubs and I are certifiably obsessed with HBO’s Girls. The best way to describe it is a hipster/quirky version of Sex and the City. The writing is genius and I absolutely have grown attached to all the characters. I see a little piece of myself in each one of them, and I think the topics they touch on are spot on for our generation. Basically, the exact qualities that made SATC the mega hit it became. Definitely check it out!
Magical Moments Monday
I hope you all had a great weekend! Despite all the rain and gloom in our neck of the woods, we had a really action-packed one! Here are some of the moments that made it, and the rest of last week, so special;
x. receiving an invite to a blogger event
x. playing sloshball with good friends
x. karaoking to No Doubt
x. surprise visit by friends that led to talking for hours over fruity drinks
x. creating a new playlist on Spotify, Powerful
x. putting together my application to sit for certification – big deal
x. lunch date with old coworkers/friends
x. getting a package from Romwe with adorable accessories
x. finding the perfect affordable foundation (Revlon’s ColorStay if interested)
x. starting to pack for Europe (now 2 weeks away!!)
x. Zachary Quinto finally came out
Lots of shopping to do this week – picking up final little items for our trip, as well as Halloween costumes! I love October!