I know. It’s not hump day. Yesterday was hump day. But cut me some slack, I couldn’t dare post about some hot piece on the day of my wedding anniversary. It would just be wrong. Anyways, I’m a strong supporter of better late than never, and these guys were worth the wait. Literally. We’ve watched the Potter kids grow up as they’ve played the roles of some of our most beloved literary characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. And now, in only a matter of hours, theaters will be throwing open their doors to welcome the throngs of dedicated fans that have been waiting anxiously to lay eyes on the first half of the last chapter of the series. My one tip for tonight’s viewers? Bring Kleenex. Lots of it. Accio picspam!
Happy Hump Day: Rupert Grint
Yes, he is legal. And quite possibly my favorite ginger right along with the Phelps twins. Ron was always one of my favorites while reading the Harry Potter series (along with Luna & Lupin) and while watching the first couple of movies, I could not help but think that Rupert was just the sweetest little boy ever, was he not? I always said he was going to grow up and be quite the stunner and sure enough, he definitely did! With the Potter movies wrapping up, Rupert has attempted to shed his squeaky clean Weasley image with roles in movies such as Cherrybomb and the upcoming Wild Target. But it doesn’t matter what he decides to do post-Potter, Weasley will always be my king <3