I asked you all to chime in on who you wanted featured on this week’s hump day post, and it was pretty unanimous: you all wanted a girl! I’m completely ready to feature a female hottie, but after watching the pilot episode for Arrow, I just couldn’t let another week go by without featuring the beautiful creature that is Stephen Amell. He is just that ridiculously good looking (and my memory is that ridiculously bad). So I have not forsaken you, a sexy lady is coming next week so sit back and enjoy this lovely piece of man meat. It’s a good one.
Happy Hump Day: Matt Bellamy
If you don’t believe there is something sexy about Matt Bellamy, you definitely have never seen him perform. This small little British Lima Bean (as I affectionately call him) really lights up a stage. He is the true meaning of showmanship. If you have not heard of his band, Muse, please make sure you change that. And soon. Perfect opportunity for local readers? Muse is finally headlining a South Florida show in February and you can buy your tickets on Friday! I can honestly say that attending their concerts are like a religious experience, and I can’t wait to watch them front and center behind that barricade. Who is joining me?
Happy Hump Day: Michael Trucco
Never thought I would be saying this, but I love Battlestar Galactica. I actually cannot wait to start eating my way through the final two seasons now that I no longer have to spend every waking hour studying for my exam. It’s everything good about TV and storytelling and…it also has a lot of eye candy. Namely, Michael Trucco. He’s pretty.
For more Battlestar yumminess, check out my previous post on James Callis here.
Happy Hump Day: Sufjan Stevens
I was pretty surprised that when I put the poll out there on my Facebook page last week for who should be the next hump day hottie, I only had one reply. What? Are all of you sick and tired of hump day hotties? This is a sincere question. Please let me know if you’d like to see something different on a weekly basis! With that said, my lovely friend, Andrea, suggested Sufjan Stevens. I have to say, although I love his music, I had no idea he was such a looker! So a big thank you goes out to Andrea, for enlightening me (& probably some of you readers as well)! And for those of you not familiar with Sufjan and his music, if I could recommend one album, it would be Illinois. I remember listening to it right before my first visit to Chicago and it was just…perfect. He is one in a million.
Happy Hump Day: Alex Pettyfer
You guys. I saw Magic Mike a couple of weeks ago and I have to admit: I wasn’t all that floored with Channing Tatum. I could honestly do without him. Who really caught my attention? Alex Pettyfer. I had always heard his name thrown around, but I really didn’t know what he looked like. I guess I imagined a little blonde teeny bopper. Not this. And then I found out he was British. Well, that’s entirely not fair. Good job on this one, higher ups. I approve.