I hope you all had a great weekend! Despite all the rain and gloom in our neck of the woods, we had a really action-packed one! Here are some of the moments that made it, and the rest of last week, so special;
x. receiving an invite to a blogger event
x. playing sloshball with good friends
x. karaoking to No Doubt
x. surprise visit by friends that led to talking for hours over fruity drinks
x. creating a new playlist on Spotify, Powerful
x. putting together my application to sit for certification – big deal
x. lunch date with old coworkers/friends
x. getting a package from Romwe with adorable accessories
x. finding the perfect affordable foundation (Revlon’s ColorStay if interested)
x. starting to pack for Europe (now 2 weeks away!!)
x. Zachary Quinto finally came out
Lots of shopping to do this week – picking up final little items for our trip, as well as Halloween costumes! I love October!