It’s no secret that I love coconut water. I became hooked last summer, and haven’t been able to kick the habit. Nor do I want to. It’s so good for you and your body. That’s why I was really excited to get some Taste Nirvana coconut water to try and review. The family-owned company boasts an all natural product, complete with eco-friendly glass bottle and no sugar or preservatives added. Something I noticed right away while drinking it was that it did not have a tart after taste like most other coconut waters. Reason being that these come from the coconut plantations of Thailand, not Brazil where the majority of coconut waters do, making it naturally sweeter with more fragrant coconut nose. And it is good. It is beyond refreshing – perfect for a trip to the beach or just relaxing by the pool (honestly, I don’t even need a reason). Plus, how could you deny a bottle of this stuff when it is branded as “happiness in a bottle?”
Melificent disclosure: Company provided me with the product in return for review above. However, all opinions are my own.