What do you think a “geeky girl” is supposed to look like? Act like?
I’ve been approached several times recently while promoting my blog at events by people that are shocked to hear that I consider myself a geek. Number one, isn’t that an insult? Number two…”But, you are dressed so cute! I would have never thought!” Can we talk a bit about this?
Having geeky interests (sci fi, anime, gaming, etc), does not instantly mean that, as a woman, you must look unkempt. It also does not mean that you do not know how to socialize. My idea of the perfect day is being pampered at a salon and then going dancing and drinking at one of my favorite bars. Just because I spend my free time watching Sailor Moon and obsessing over all things BBC does not mean I can’t do the others. It’s silly to think that people are that one-dimensional. Also, what does loving Doctor Who have to do with my sense of style? I don’t understand how the two go hand in hand.
Unfortunately, I know some girls that have taken to labeling themselves as “geeks” so that they can be the object of desire for a whole group of men. These kind of girls have marred what it is to truly be a geeky girl, and have made people start to doubt the authenticity of a good looking girl that likes nerdy things. I find this to be so unfair. Who are you to say that I can’t be a nerd because I may look good in a crop top? I really wish shows like The Big Bang Theory would portray their female leads as being sexy and a little more fashion forward. Have you noticed how the guys always have the best geeky tees that are lusted over by fanboys across the country, yet do we see any of the girls sporting adorable Her Universe dresses or perfect fandom accessories? Nope. In fact, the only girl that looks hip and trendy most of the time is Penny, who is the token “cool girl” that could care less about the boys’ geeky interests.
C’mon media, help us geeky girls out. Women are slowly taking over this culture (did you hear that 44% of the audience for Guardians of the Galaxy were female?!?) and we deserve to be portrayed in a more positive light. What do you think about these unwanted stereotypes? I’d love to hear your opinions in the comments!