I love my dogs so much. I can’t imagine ever owning any other breed, so naturally, I adore All-Mighty, a store dedicated to “the love of Boston Terriers.” They sell everything from onesies, adorable tees & now barrettes! Secretly, I am still a little girl that likes to wear bows in her hair (OK, maybe not such a secret) so these are slaying me! I am definitely buying some, but I am torn: there are so many different styles to choose from (12 to be exact)! What’s a girl to do?? I guess I’ll just have to get them all 😉

I’ve posted about how I have wanted a handwritten tattoo for a long time now, but have been kind of indecisive about what I’d want written on my body…well, for always. Although I’ve pretty much decided on it by now (Smashing Pumpkins lyric obviously), the design has become the next hurdle. Until I saw these amazing Sharpie tattoos by Flickr user, Xtrapop. Rather than do a 365 of people, objects or himself, he decided to write either phrases or lyrics on his arm as a temporary tattoo, hoping he could both inspire himself and others with the messages. They are brilliant and gorgeous. I think his goal was achieved.

I discovered that I am dairy-allergic a couple of months ago. It was most probably the most depressing moment of my life. I was always an ice cream fiend (let’s not even start with cheese & alfredo sauce) and could not imagine living without it. Now I don’t have to! You may not believe this, but according to the amazing blog, The Kitchn, if you whip up frozen bananas in a blender, the result will be delicious creamy ice cream! No other ingredients needed, unless you want to add some extras to play around with the flavor (such as honey or peanut butter). The hubs & I will be attempting this over the weekend & I’ll make sure to post our results next week!

Not sure if I am one of the last on this TV show bandwagon, but thanks to In Demand we have been able to start watching the first season of Nurse Jackie. It is quickly becoming one of my favorites. Jackie’s bitter sarcasm really warms my equally bitter & sarcastic heart. Plus, the rest of the cast is amazing and the writing is excellent (God, make me good, but just not yet). It just leaves you constantly wanting more. In my opinion, Grey’s Anatomy would greatly benefit from taking some pointers from Nurse Jackie.

I didn’t realize how much I had missed Project Runway until it returned last night on Lifetime! I totally dug the fact that we got 3 hours full of PR goodness – starting with the all star challenge. I don’t know about you guys, but I totally thought Sweet P should have won (she was always one of my favorites)! I would love to own any or all of her looks (esp. the little green leather number!) from last night’s competition. So up my alley. As for the actual premiere, I’m really impressed with the level of designers and already have some favorites. This should be an amazing season. Hooray for fashion!
Amanda says
I’m upset PR is on Lifetime now 🙁 I don’t have cable!!!
I saw those barrettes you posted on your twitter but I didn’t know they were from All-Mighty. They are so cute.
Christine says
I couldn’t figure out what all the craze was about “True Blood,” but once I saw your posts going gaga for it, I decided to give it a try. And I am so glad I did!!! So now I will be giving Nurse Jackie a shot too…
We make frozen yogurt using a blender at home all the time. Try using a dairy-free yogurt, mix in a bag of your frozen favorite fruits, blend, freeze…and yum!! So good.