Taylor Kitsch first caught my attention when he played one of the most beloved characters in Xmen, Gambit. Although I found the latest Xmen movie to be quite the bore, the eye candy throughout the movie was very very nice. Taylor is also on the small screen, where he portrays a high school football star on Friday Night Lights. You’ve probably also seen him in all sorts of catalogs strutting his hot stuff as a model in YM, Seventeen and even Abercrombie and Fitch! Yeah, I’d definitely suffer through a show all about football just to watch him run around (preferably without his shirt on). Let me know if you agree with me when you check out the photos after the jump. 😉
I think Hugh Jackman should have laid off the self tanner for the Xmen premiere. Just sayin’.
Tammy says
Wow Meli! GREAT find! Quite yummy!
Elsie says
Gambit is one of my fav xmen ever….and even tho this guy is humpable, he’s no Gambit for me. I wasn’t happy with his role. 🙁
Meli says
I know Gambit is a huge fan favorite, so he was going to be hard to cast. Augi wasn’t too pleased either.