With this being my sole opportunity to pick a Hump Day Hottie, it was imperative that I make an excellent choice. With that in mind, I went with none other than Captain Tightpants himself, Nathan Fillion. Firefly was arguably the first sci-fi show that I ever truly loved. I’ve now watched it more times than I can count and Malcolm Reynolds remains one of my favorite characters to this day. I would love to fly around the ‘verse on Serenity.
Naturally, Joss Whedon’s brilliant vision has quite a bit to do with that. Fortunately for all of us, Joss and Nathan have a thriving bromance that doesn’t look to be ending anytime soon: you may remember Nathan as Caleb on Buffy the Vampire Slayer or as Captain Hammer in Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. Did you all also hear that Joss directed a version of Much Ado About Nothing with so many Whedonverse actors that I couldn’t possibly list them all here? To say I’m excited would be a serious understatement. It also helps that Mr. Fillion seems like a genuinely wonderful, kind person, consistently cracks me up on Twitter, and was adorably befuddled in Waitress. He also popped up in disguise at The Joss Whedon Experience panel Meli and I attended at SDCC 2010 to ask Joss who his favorite actor is during the fan questions. Joss’ response? “It’s Nathan Fillion!” as he pointed to the microphone, revealing the speaker’s identity. I think we all know he only spoke the truth. With the gushing out of the way, enjoy the photos:
* All images found on Tumblr
Follow the author: anikaguldstrand.com ; @lilypads
[…] I don’t believe I’m mentioned it here, but I’m guest blogging for my lovely friend Meli over at Melificent this week. One of my favorite features of hers is her Hump Day hotties. Every week, she features a particularly attractive male on Wednesday, aka Hump Day. Naturally, I was very excited to choose mine and with with none other than Captain Tightpants himself: Nathan Fillion. So check it out. […]