This really snuck up on me, but tomorrow I’ll be leaving on a jet plane to LA, where I will be meeting up with some of my most favorite people to hang out and relax. You can refer to it as the calm before the storm that is San Diego Comic Con! I am fortunate enough to be going as press again with my dear friend & partner in crime, Rosy Cordero, of Accidentalsexiness. We will be live tweeting from our joint project’s account, so make sure to follow & keep up with us at @soblogalicious! We will also be hosting a live hangout straight from the source from our Google+ account, so make sure to add it now! Additionally, I will be taking some street style photos to share with all of you on the blog when I return. Don’t think Comic Con is a fashion mecca? You’d be surprised, my friends.
I am so excited for this adventure – I’m sure you all remember how great it was for me a couple of years back. I met some pretty astounding people and made some great connections. I hope to do all that and more this time around!
And if you are feeling a little disheartened about my absence, fear not! The lovely Aurora, editor of Where South Florida, will be taking over the blog while I am gone. Be nice to her, and show her your love! I’m sure she’ll be sharing some amazing content in my stead!
Anika Guldstrand says
Eee I can’t wait!!