Every year these just get more and more surreal. You are EIGHT. Someone said, “once they turn 8, that’s it. They are no longer little.” And I see it: in your face, in your interests, in the way you are trying to understand the world around you, but I don’t see it in your heart. It’s so big and innocent. It’s so kind and soft. It may be my favorite thing about you, but honestly there are so many it’s hard to pinpoint.
You’re quirky and unique. You are hyperactive, bubbly and silly: always ready for a good time. You’re wickedly smart. You feel everything so deeply. You are a wonderful friend and are always there to support and help them believe in themselves. You love family and tell me you are going to have a big one when you are older, and move to California (thanks for letting us move right next to you though). You’re so determined, and thus, so hard on yourself. I wish you could see what I see.

You still love every minute of performing, whether it’s dancing or acting. You want to learn how to play the ukelele and the drums. You say you want to be a gaming YouTuber when you grow up, but you are starting to be heavily drawn to design + photography, like daddy. I love your imagination – you have such a creative mind and a free spirit. You love to travel and to experience new things (as long as they aren’t roller coasters). You live for storytelling: reading books, watching movies or making up your own. You love shopping and going to Starbucks + fro-yo. You watch football with daddy and cheer for the niners along with him.

Baby girl, you are infinite. If you only knew the surge of love I feel every time you smile, you speak in that animated tone, you sleep perfectly holding your stuffies in bed, or when you…are just being you. I thank the universe every single day for you. That we are lucky enough to have been given you, and the gift of watching you grow.

I love you more than anything in this world. Happy birthday, moon 🌙 I have a feeling eight is going to be great.
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