Ready to spruce up your wardrobe for upcoming Spring? Thanks to the lovely people at The Limited, you can with a $100 gift card! Entering is easy: follow Melificent on Facebook (link here) & comment to this post with what you have been eagerly awaiting to add to your wardrobe. For me, it’s definitely more bangles and general wrist candy. This picture inspired the lust! The winner will be announced next Thursday, 3/8!
After visiting The Limited last week, I was impressed with the versatility of their collections. Some of my favorites were, of course, their beautiful pop pieces (like the skirt I featured earlier this week), as well as their travel suits that can be thrown into the washer and dryer (heaven sent). Finally, I really adored their reboot of the Outback Red collection (last available in the 80’s), which focuses on those of us bitten by the wanderlust bug. It recently features trends inspired by travel to Havana, Cuba, which I love!
In other words, I don’t think any of you will have a very difficult time spending this great gift card. 😉
Enjoy pictures from my visit to The Limited grand opening under the cut!