This year was the first year Luna was old enough to actually trick or treat. Last year she was a fresh-out-of-the-oven newborn, so we just took pictures at home and called it a night. However, this time Luna was able to drunkenly totter around my friend’s neighborhood, and it was so much fun! Although it was still a short night for us (strict baby schedules and all that jazz), we made sure to make it worth it and went all out with our family costumes!
Happy Halloween (& Bon Voyage)!!!!!!!!
via; weheartit
A very happy Halloween to all my amazing readers! I hope you have the most spooky, fun Monday ever! While I moonlighted as Hello Kitty this past weekend, I will be getting my Katniss Everdeen on tonight while trick or treating with my nephew. What are you dressing up as?
ps; this will be the last post from little ‘ole me for the next 2+ weeks as we leave on a jet plane tomorrow headed to Europe! I’m leaving you all in good hands though. Three of the coolest chicks I know will be guest blogging in my absence and I am so excited to see what they share with you all. If you are interested in keeping up with our travels, you can follow our new blog, The Bombardment Society. But more on that later! Peace & hair grease!
Magical Moments Monday
First off, today is especially magical because it is my hubs’ birthday! He has proved to be my rock as well as my happy place this year – I’m pretty sure I’d be lost without him. Plus, I am especially proud of him for the extreme growth he has displayed – he inspires me every day with his creativity and drive. I love you, monkey. Always & forever.
As far as the rest of the magic, here goes:
x. getting trip goodies in the mail
x. making some great connections
x. new books to read
x. have I mentioned our vacation is only ONE WEEK AWAY???
x. new favorite Essie shade: jazz
x. perfecting my Katniss Everdeen costume
x. I’m a redhead again!
x. still drives me wild that one of my favorite bands loves me back.
x. driving with the windows down
x. sunshine: something we had not seen in about a week!
x. spending much needed time with family
x. walking around South Beach on a gorgeous day
x. the Once Upon A Time pilot – in Damon Lindelof I trust