Megacon Tampa Bay was full of really amazing moments, but what drew me to the convention in the first place was David Tennant. If you are a Doctor Who fan, or whovians, as we affectionately call ourselves, you have your doctor. I actually had a hard time getting into the show, and it wasn’t until the 10th doctor that I started my love affair. Everyone has this moment. Everyone loves one doctor that gives them the warm fuzzies. The one you want to run away with on a TARDIS in all wibbly wobbly timey wimey-ness. David Tennant is that for me.
Being Geek Chic: Vacation Outfits
No matter where you are going these last few days of summer for a little R&R, there are always ways to incorporate a little geekiness into your outfits. Now, I know I may be weird, but one of my favorite things to do is to plan vacation outfits. I don’t get to do much of that lately since vacationing isn’t as spontaneous or consistent as before, but when I do, it’s like a form of therapy. Plus, it makes it so much easier to get ready in the morning and get to having fun when you already know exactly what you are going to wear!
To show you how easy it is to incorporate your fandoms into your vacation wear, I put together 4 different looks for 4 different destinations.
It’s been so hot down here in Miami lately, that a beach vacation would be at the bottom at my list at the moment. But for those of you up north dying for some sunshine and tropical cocktails (lets face it, I’m always down for those), just pair a geeky one piece with a pair of shorts and a large hat to shade you from those dangerous rays, and you’ll be good to go! I was able to put together this look incorporating geekdom with all three elements – who says you have to stick to just one fandom? Nay, I say!
Swimsuit; Lulu Tops
Shorts; c/o We Love Fine
Hat; c/o GeekyU
It’s always been a dream of mine to attend a music festival outside the state, namely: Coachella. I feel like I would probably pass out from heat and feel completely disgusting, but it would be worth it for that incredible line up. I put together this rockin’ outfit for those of you fellow music lovers. I believe the best kind of music is live music, and you’d definitely be able to enjoy it in a fandom tank (special shout out if it ties in with an amazing punk band, like this great Potter/Ramones mashup) and stretchy ripped pants. And, of course, no festival look is complete without a flower crown and big ‘ol shades!
Tank; c/o TeeFury
Pants; Macy’s
Flower Crown & shades: Forever 21 {similar}
Nerdy Must Haves
Tardis Peter Pan Top; if you have followed this blog for some time, you already know my love of the peter pan collar. I just find it so kitschy and whimsical, and it literally transforms any simple look into something a little more special. That’s why a peter pan collar combined with one of my favorite fandoms, Doctor Who, is just a perfect marriage. This cropped tee would look absolutely perfect with a high waisted skirt or jeans. Le swoon!
Magical Girl Gameboy; again, another mashup I’m a big fan of. Growing up in the golden age of Nintendo, Gameboys were all the rage. Combine that with glitter and magical girl symbology? I’m so sold. One up your pin game with this pretty.
Floral Artemis Pin; I stumbled upon the beautiful artistry of Alex Strangler via Instagram stalking and I am so glad I did. She is a tattoo artist that makes the most beautiful accessories and prints, and this Artemis pin is no exception. It’s unfortunately sold out, but there are some temporary tattoos of the design available. If you ask me, I’d prefer the real deal!
Cat Collar Blouse; I’m not a big fan of cats (ugh, allergies), but I do love them on my fashion pieces. This blouse sports the cutest kitty wrapping its little body around your neck (as one does), and I can see it working both for casual Fridays at the office and nights out with your girl gang. Snag this more affordable version on eBay.
What I Wore: The Tardis + The Enterprise
This past weekend we got to enjoy a date day. Although I adore being a mother and am borderline obsessed with my daughter, I really appreciate the time my hubby and I get alone. We went to one of our favorite haunts, had copious glasses of wine and then headed to see the new Trek film. I can’t say I was a fan of the new installment, but I thoroughly enjoyed our Saturday afternoon.
I don’t get to wear short skirts that much anymore, so I took the chance and wore one that I had tucked away in my closet untouched, and unworn. Sure, I was seeing a Star Trek movie, and I was jaunting around in a TARDIS skirt, but…does it even really matter? Who knew this fantasy-nut would grow to love sci-fi so much? Not me, that’s for sure!
Crop top; Forever 21
Skirt; Her Universe
Hat: Forever 21 {similar}
Booties; Forever 21 {similar}
Lipstick; Colourpop’s Poppin‘
What I Wore: Hello Sweetie
What does one wear when going to meet a Time Lord?
That is what I had to ask myself last week when I was getting ready for our Geek Girl Brunch Pride, Prejudice and Zombies advanced screening. My co-chapter officer, Aurora, works in journalism, so she was able to secure this amazing event for our brunchettes and had us in the front seat: nabbing a quick meet and greet session with the stars of the movie before the theater Q&A. That meant I was going to meet Matt Smith: the 11th Doctor. My 2nd favorite Doctor. This is a huge deal for us Whovians and you could definitely smell the excitement (aside from everyone’s giant smiles and audible squee’s, of course).
Naturally, I went with sparkles because of who I am as a person. No, if I’m being honest, I definitely needed to wear this amazing tee from Jordan Dene but wanted to dress it up a bit. Thankfully, it was loose enough to fit another (sparkly) shirt underneath. The sequined collar and sleeves totally transformed the look! I paired it with my favorite new pleather leggings (because I’m Regina George-ing my 4th trimester), and the most incredible faux fur vest because it was cold in Miami for once!