If you don’t believe there is something sexy about Matt Bellamy, you definitely have never seen him perform. This small little British Lima Bean (as I affectionately call him) really lights up a stage. He is the true meaning of showmanship. If you have not heard of his band, Muse, please make sure you change that. And soon. Perfect opportunity for local readers? Muse is finally headlining a South Florida show in February and you can buy your tickets on Friday! I can honestly say that attending their concerts are like a religious experience, and I can’t wait to watch them front and center behind that barricade. Who is joining me?
Happy Hump Day: Nick Hexum
311 has been one of my favorite bands for a very long time. In fact, I remember blasting their self-titled item in my mom’s car when I was about 14 as we pulled into a McDonald’s drive thru and the cashier complimenting me on my amazing taste in music (naturally). Ever since, they remind me of sunny days, the ocean and my youth. I especially love listening to them on gorgeous summer days with the windows down – it gives me this wonderful feeling of utter happiness and like anything is possible. I secretly desire to go on their cruise (it leaves out of Miami), but I just haven’t been able to justify the cost (yet). With that said, I’ve always had quite the thing for lead singer/guitarist, Nick Hexum. Blame it on the shimmy, the crusty 90’s bleached hair (so bad) or just his rugged good looks, either way, I was hooked.
I remember being so excited to finally see them live at Warped Tour 2001. Unfortunately, I had one of those terrible concert moments where I collapsed due to heat/claustrophobia within the first song and had to be carried out of the crowd. Thankfully, I was able to wake up and watch from afar, but I won’t lie: it’s made me want to see them the right way ever since. One day, one day. Until then, check out these lovely pictures of Mr. Hexum.