I’d like to start off Lovable Friday today with the winner of The Bird & The Bee contest I held last week! The lucky winner of a copy of their new album, Interpreting the Masters, Volume 1 is Karen Lisa! Congratulations! Remember to send me your mailing address as soon as you can so the CD can be sent your way!

I couldn’t love this more. For those not in the know, VILF stands for Vampire I‘d Like to F___ – I’ll let you fill in the nasty little letters yourselves! As if June 13th didn’t feel long enough, yet another teaser was released earlier this week featuring everyone’s favorite bar-owning shape shifter, Sam Merlotte. I hate how they are purposely featuring scenes that cannot be placed if you read the novels. Does anyone have any theories? Also, I totally need this as a shirt for this year’s Comic Con!