Yep, that’s about the way I feel right now. What I thought was some sort of heat exhaustion over the weekend has turned into this nasty flu-like sickness. High fever, body aches, headache. You get the picture. So I’ll be taking a little break today to try to recuperate. Hopefully I’ll start feeling a little better by tomorrow and be back as usual.

Well, I guess the stress I had been feeling the past few days really took it’s toll on me because my body has decided to welcome the month of October with complete misery! I have some pretty intense body aches, a phlegm-y cough, a headache and a fever. Doesn’t that sound like fun? Seriously though, I really hope it’s not the flu – or worse, H1N1. 🙁
So, naturally, I’m not feeling up to blogging but I’ll be back tomorrow with a lovable Friday list – promise!