Being that today is Christmas Eve (or Noche Buena for all my Latin readers), I figured I would keep with the holiday theme and show you some of my most favorite festive items I’ve stumbled on this week!

Ah, baking. Relaxing (sometimes) and therapeutic (sometimes). While asking you all for your favorite holiday recipes last week as part of the Be My Clementine giveaway, my eyes landed on the seemingly delicious Candy Cane Cookies, submitted by my good friend, Camero (who has a wonderful food blog you should all check out). I decided these were the ones I was going to tackle. Despite some hang-up’s (didn’t form them into candy canes), they were a huge success. In fact, my boss came to my office to specifically ask me if there were any more left several days later (there definitely were not). I especially love how festive they look and the contrast created by the peppermint flavor.