Besides the Smashing Pumpkins, I can’t really say I love a band more than Muse. Not very surprising since they have a lot of similar characteristics musically. What can I say? I’m predictable. Either way, this band blows my mind on a regular basis so I had been impatiently waiting for their new album for what seems like ages. Finally, there was a leak this week and I didn’t think twice before hitting the download button. I know people are going to hate because that’s what people do, but my GOD is this album good. I can only describe it as an eargasm – I would make love to every track, no joke. What other band can close their album with a 3-part symphony? Absolutely no one, but Muse. My favorite of the moment? Undisclosed Desires. It could be described as Smashing Pumpkins & Depeche Mode’s song baby and it is all sorts of awesome. Have I mentioned that I am going to see them open up for U2 next month in Tampa? Because I am so excited I could burst. I’ve never seen them live and although we have nosebleed seats (seriously, who can afford decent U2 tickets???), I am going to be happier than a pig in shit. No joke. Plus, there are rumors that they will be playing a 12 song set, much longer than typical openers (because they are awesome, hello)! So if you are going, I’ll be the certifiably insane fangirl singing and dancing like a fool. Feel free to come over and flail with me.