Finally after what feels like a terribly long wait, the Watchmen movie premieres tonight!!! I’ve been reading the comic (almost done with all 12) and must say it is amazing. I’ve heard early reviews already and the movie seems to live up to the greatness of the comic, which is quite the feat. The hubs and I along with about 10 of our friends (no joke) have tickets for Saturday at the IMAX theater. Much excitement.

Girl Talk is a fabulous mashup artist that will put together anything from Kelly Clarkson to Nine Inch Nails. It is just plain fun music and we have tickets to see them on Sunday at the Culture Room in Broward. Words cannot express how excited I am. Unfortunately, I am feeling a little under the weather so I hope to recover by Sunday night because I most definitely will be wearing my dancing shoes. For those of you not familiar with Girl Talk, I suggest checking out their most recent album: Feed the Animals.

Wednesday night was the premiere of Bravo’s Make Me A Supermodel, which Augi and I absolutely loved last season so we have pretty high hopes for this round. Now considering it was only the first episode, is it possible to already have a favorite? Because I do. The adorable nerd, Colin, is just too much for me! And he states he is a 21 year old virgin. Are you serious? Hello, I would have been all over this in college. So.effng.cute. I puffy heart him.

Everyone knows by now that I adore my dogs: 2 rowdy Boston Terriers, so it comes as no surprise that I’m a sucker for all things Boston. Little sculptures, stickers and especially art prints. These by Rubenacker on Etsy are so adorable and whimsical. They seem to capture the Boston personality perfectly and are so affordable. These would look great in our office (once re-designed)!

Forever 21 decided to expand their line to include swimwear! Although they are not the most stupendous or beautiful bathing suits out there, they are pretty cute and for the price can help you build your swim collection for those of us that live in a tropical climate that tends to require a larger one than most. 😉
Adri says
Looks like you have an awesome weekend planned out! I can’t wait to see the movie, too. I was thinking of you because I’ve seen several shops here that cater to whimsical doggie items. Yay for Forever 21 swimwear!
Meli says
Not quite as awesome as yours 😉
Have a blast in SF and try to come back – I know it’s hard after visiting that city. I know I didn’t want to get on that plane…