Yes, it’s an old show. No, I never watched it. Until now. And although it makes my brain bleed because of its complete stupidity, I can’t help but love Zachary Quinto‘s character, Sasan (gah, I lurve him). Sasan is based on Tori Spelling’s real-life very gay personal assistant and Mr. Quinto nails it (a little too?) perfectly! After knowing him solely as creeptastic Sylar, there were a few moments where I literally laughed out loud at the pure ridiculousness that spewed from his mouth. Case in point: “I’m gay, Iranian, and Muslim. All my identities hate each other. It’s a miracle my complexion is as flawless as it is.” Epic.

As all of you know, I was searching like crazy for an affordable pair of linen pants after watching Vicky Christina Barcelona and this week I found them! Forever 21 strikes again with a great pair for only $13.50! Although I haven’t seen them in person or tried them on, you can’t lose with the price.

While watching the Watchmen movie last weekend at IMAX, we got an amazing trailer for the new Harry Potter film. Being a huge Potter fan, I am always looking for them to improve upon the movies. Sure, they are great – but I want even better! This one looks like it is going to be mind-blowing. The pensieve scenes? A-ma-zing. Check it out here!

In one of the most epic pairings in music history, both Nine Inch Nails and Jane’s Addiction will be hitting the road together this summer. I am so ridiculously excited as I have never seen either band before so you better believe I will be purchasing tickets! Trent also announced on his twitter that the NIN/JA website will be up and running on March 20th (next Friday) with some important information. Here’s to hoping it is presale details!
Edit: Presale tickets have been announced! They will go on sale on March 16th at 4pm for the Florida shows – yippee!

Again, something Boston related makes it on the list, but I just can’t help myself. Having a bad day? Case of the Monday’s? Anxiety up the who-ha? Stop by the always adorable photostream of Plummzilla, a red-headed Boston Terrier. Her parents set up the cutest photoshoots and she just recently became a big sister to Coco. These two could make your worst day bearable.
Roxæ says
IMO, the newest Potter movie in the series is always better than the one that preceded it. I don’t know if it’s because the books get better and better or if the changing of directors keeps everything fresh but let’s hope that fact continues to be true.
Also, NIN/JA? I shall be right there, rockin’ along with ya. Wild horses couldn’t keep me away from that show!
Meli says
I couldn’t agree more with you. I’m hoping we can eventually say the same about the Twilight series too 🙁
WOOOOOO NIN/JA! Did you hear about the presale? I’m about to make a blog edit to include the info 😉