Is it me or do the weekends seem to get shorter and shorter as time goes by?
I find myself gripping on to Sunday’s, hoping that they will never end, but fail.
Also irritating?
The fact that the weather has decided to be unbearably beautiful on weekdays and overcast & yucky on weekends. What’s up, Mother Nature?
I got the opportunity to swing by IKEA Friday afternoon to check out their patio furniture & was bummed to see a lot of the items I posted about last week either would not work or were out of stock (already!). Thankfully, I was able to mix & match some fun pieces I found and am super happy with the way it all panned out. Our patio is still not complete, but it is well on its way! For those of you interested in this look, it is made up of a Bollo folding table, 4 Marius stools in orange, 2 Majallby scented candles, Solig fly swatter and Solig solar operated lighting in white. Also, something that I didn’t pick up but thought was amazing was the Platta decking system, which has the power to turn any patio from blah to chic in two quick snaps! Unfortunately, I don’t know how smart that would be for us Floridians considering we would have to be removing & replacing the pieces with every hurricane threat. I wonder if there is a way to anchor them down?
We had been planning a fun surprise party for one of our best friends, Fullman, for some time now. We knew the theme would be junk food & Star Trek combined (strange, I know) but we didn’t know how great everything would really turn out. The hubs was able to pull techniques from all those episodes of Ace of Cakes to make an amazing Star Trek cake. Fullman’s sister, Elissa, also put her Martha hat on to create some beautiful (& tasty) Super Mario lemon cupcakes. We covered the house in sweets and even went as far as to buy a deep fryer, which we used to make some deep fried twinkies, oreos and jalapeno poppers. Everyone had a great time & most importantly, Fullman was flattered by all the efforts & so happy to see that everyone had come together to celebrate his day. We puffy heart you, Fullman! To see all the photos from the party, visit my Flickr set.
The majority of Sunday was spent recuperating from the previous night’s festivities and cleaning up the aftermath. We caught up on both Millionaire Matchmaker and Real Housewives of New York City. You know, the important stuff. And shaking my head in disbelief that yet another weekend has come & gone. What’s on our list for next weekend? The fair, of course!
Chris Fullman says
Thanks for helping put together an awesome party and still managing to surprise me! I need to get better at my detective skills for next time. 🙂
ekp says
meli that cake looks amazing! props to augi! i take it he didn’t like the one you and meli made?
happy bday fullman!
ekp says
the patio furniture looks cute too!
Meli says
It wasn’t that he didn’t like it, we just both figured he would do a better job since he’s the artist 😉
Ang says
Dave and I were wondering what all that goodness was in your pictures. NOM NOM! Oh & your patio is pretty sweet. I love the color of the stools!
Karen says
The furniture looks awesome… and omg, your husband made that cake?! wow, good for him. The last time I tried to make cupcakes I totally destroyed them. I can’t even get them right from the box. LOL. The cake and cupcakes look simply incredible!!
I hope you have fun next weekend at the fair. We are going on April 7th but not to play… we’re shooting an engagement session there!
Meli says
Karen – he did! He is way more talented in the kitchen than I ever will be. In fact, on the Knot the girls used to call him Mr. Martha lol.