I’m currently enjoying my third Boston Lager (chill, I wrote this Thursday night) and I totally love it. Although I am a beer novice, only being introduced to the many joys a few months back, I absolutely love this one. Granted, it is no White ale (my personal favorite), but it’s delicious. It’s Friday, it’s time for celebration. Throw a few of these back in my honor. 😉

Although I may be late to the party on this one, I absolutely love Keane’s track, Spiralling. Paired with the multitude of Sam Adam’s, it has truly made me want to put on my dancing shoes and run to the nearest indie club. Super different from what I am used to Keane delivering sound-wise, but somehow perfect (especially for a Friday night). Check out the awesome video that comes along with it.

Although Billy’s recent behavior has kind of been scaring me, his blog post on SmashingPumpkins.com had the ability to make me feel hopeful. I blame this fully on Billy’s amazing writing skills and most importantly, BS skills. It was one hell of a read, but can basically be summed up as the SP is back and will respect its adoring fans and try its best to make them all happy with future recordings and live shows because Billy is “all in.” I don’t know why he continues to suck me in, but he does. I don’t even think my husband has this power of persuasion over me. It’s ridiculous.

This parody video by the Hillywood Show of Twilight is absolutely awesome. No joke. It is set to Katy Perry’s Hot n Cold, which somehow manages to fit perfectly in the most hilarious way. But what is most impressive is the way they were able to accurately recreate a lot of the movie scenes. Check it out & pass it around to your fellow Twilight fangirls, this one is a gem!

A couple of weeks ago I posted some Twilight bottle labels for a themed party. Well, Hostess with the Mostess just posted some amazing details from a Twilight themed party that gave me even more inspiration for my own that I will be holding for the premiere of New Moon! How sexy do those setups look? I hope mine can look half as good!
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