When my husband bought tickets to see one of his favorite bands, Ratatat, I have to admit…I really didn’t know what to expect. Ratatat’s “style” is still kind of difficult for me to describe to others, which I had to do quite a bit of Sunday afternoon while explaining to my family that we were leaving Easter celebrations to go to a concert. “They are kind of a mixture of everything” is probably the best I can do & still stick to the same after seeing them live last night.
They played Ft. Lauderdale’s Revolution Live to a packed house. Unfortunately, I could have done without the two opening bands, especially the second: Tussle. Wow, it was quite possible the most terrible thing I have ever experienced. If you take anything away from this post, I hope it is to stay far away from Tussle, especially any live performances. Ugh.
Anywho, Ratatat did take eons to finally appear on stage but it was all worth it when they finally did. They were so much better than I could have anticipated. They had this epic stage presence and so much energy. All of this was paired with a great light show and hilarious movie clips going on in the background. They truly put on a show. I had a great time dancing although I have to say it was strange to be at a show and not having any words to sing along to. Oh yeah, for those of you that are not familiar with Ratatat – there are no lyrics. No singing. Just instrumental bad assery.
So, to conclude: if Ratatat swings by your hood, check them out. You won’t be sorry. It was a great way to close out the weekend.
Oh, & check out this rad clip we shot of Ratatat performing Wildcat:
Roxæ says
Awesome, awesome, awesome 😀
Gotta love that porn guitar, bwaka-chika-bwaka-chika-bwaka-chika-bwaka-chika!