As a girl that struggles putting together appropriate and chic outfits for the office, I can truly appreciate the advice given on the WorkChic blog. Unlike other working girl blogs, they cover a variety of different budgets as well as different levels of formality from casual to professional and everything in between. My difficulties stem from having to put together business casual outfits while knowing that I will be working with children. Plus, I tend to gravitate more towards the “fun clothes” while shopping. Hopefully by putting WorkChic on my list of favorite blogs, I can be inspired to be one hot office fashionista 😉

I’ve decided that my item of the summer is the high-waisted skirt. Although my least favorite part of my body are my legs (everyone has their insecurities, right?), I don’t mind showing them off when I am wearing a sexy secretary or a flirty & flouncy high-waisted skirt. It just makes a girl feel feminine! Plus, for all those girls with an hourglass shape like myself, it hugs you in all the right places & accentuates your curves. The next time I am at the mall, I plan to stock up on as many as I can – Forever 21 has some great choices for prices you cannot beat! And if you are feeling a little more adventurous, check out Babooshka Boutique’s made to order mini’s – they will only set you back $40 and make you look like the hippest girl on the block!

USA Today got the first glimpse at the Twilight Saga’s newest supernatural inhabitants: the werewolves. Being a huge Twilight fan (have you noticed?), this got me pretty excited! Although the boys aren’t quite as hot as I imagined them to be while reading the books (Sam especially), I’m glad they got authentic Native American actors to play the roles and really happy that they decided to release a photo so early into filming. I hope new director, Chris Weitz, is able to pull off the morphing of the boys into wolves with style – the special effects in the first film weren’t exactly stellar and New Moon will definitely be chock full of them! I am trying to be less of hater this time around – I have faith that the movies will only get better a-la-Potter. Here’s to hopin’. Oh, and when will we get a sneak peek at the Beta dog himself? ::nudge nudge::

Ok, Ok. So this photo truly has nothing to do with Heroes, but it is such an awesome shot that I had to include it somewhere. Plus, ZQ is wearing his big geeky glasses which make me swoon. So deal with it, people. Anyhow, Monday marks the season finale of Heroes and thanks to plenty of updates from Heroes cast & crew on Twitter, I think we can expect a pretty epic close to season 3, which has definitely had its up’s & down’s. What do I hope happens the most? I hope that Sylar finally gives Danko what he deserves: a very bloody death. Harsh? Me? Never. Oh & if you are a fellow ZQ/Sylar fan, I would check out Mr. Quinto’s blog. He’s been updating frequently from his tour around the world for Star Trek and is where I gacked this amazing photo from (sorry elder Quinto for the rob).

The hubs sent me this glorious photo from Katherine Squier that basically sums me up in a nutshell. It was sent in an email simply titled: “thought of you when i saw this.” It made me smile as well as realize he knows me way too well. That thought makes me happy.
rox says
I sooooo love that top with red high waist skirt!! i want !! I want !!!
Elsie says
I <3 the skirt you’re wearing today in the office. May not be high waste, but still super cute and femmy.
Yay for the wolves! But you’re right on the not hot enough. That was my first thought, too. And unlike you, I will continue to criticize and be totally hateful. ^_~
Meli says
Why thank you!!!! I happen to love it too – it makes me feel like a ballerina 🙂
Meli says
Rox – it’s from Charlotte Russe <3
Adri says
Love the work chic blog. I wear a uniform, but it will come in handy in the future 😉
As for New Moon, I am also afraid of the special effects making it all seem to cheesy. My expectations aren’t too high.
I thought that was you in the last pic!
Megs says
So excited that you’re excited about the wolf pack! Heeee. I haven’t seen any half naked Taylor yet, but I’ll be sure to tweet when I do of course. I’ve only seen a few sneak peaks of the theatre scenes.
Meli says
Hehe, yes I’m happy with anything Twilight: wolves or vamps, even though I definitely have a preference 😉
I’ve seen the same sneak peeks you have – more more more!