Saturday was the little man’s 3rd birthday party at Cool-De-Sac! I had mentioned this locale previously, but wow! I have to sing its praises! All the kids had such a fabulous time – the center had a little of something for everyone. Granted, it is probably only for the toddler to 5 year old demographic, but that is probably one of the toughest to entertain! There were stations set up throughout to meet everyone’s interests such as a lego section, arts & crafts, dress up section (complete with on-site manicurists!), jungle gym and tumble/floor area for the little tykes. My favorite? The little kid dance party room! It consisted of a dark room, light-up dance floor (think Madonna’s Ray of Light video) and loud electronic music. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t mind having my birthday party in that room! Oh, and did I mention that they serve beer and have great food? Yep, it’s fun for us big kids too! The little guy had a ball and the hubs got some practice being the party’s main photographer.
Sunday we spent the afternoon at a Nicaraguan festival to support Augi’s family who was hosting the event. It was ridiculously hot (I’m not sweating in the picture, I’m glistening!), but we had a good time with the fam, the food was yummy and dancing was entertaining. We spent the rest of the day gearing up for the intense week ahead of us! Can’t Sundays last just a little longer?
Have a great week, everyone!
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