I don’t think it’s a secret: I love TV. A lot. The hubs and I have quite the DVR queue and we are proud to list off all our favorite shows, often to other’s complete horror. It’s hard to believe that a few years ago, I never watched TV. In fact, the only way I would get hooked on a series was if a friend let me borrow their DVD’s. Now I can’t live without it! There really is nothing like coming home, cracking open a beer and disconnecting from reality for a good few hours.
That brings me to summer. Summer is usually an amazing time filled with sun, fun and friends. But it is a terrible time for an avid TV watcher: no new shows. I have to admit, it’s been pretty difficult. We’ve had to fill the void by adding new series to our Netflix queue (The Tudors, Mad Men, Flight of the Conchords, etc.), but it just isn’t the same. I miss my shows. And thankfully the wait is almost over (well, except for LOST)! September is right around the corner and with it brings new programming!
What am I the most pumped for?

OK, OK…I know there are not many of us Heroes fans left out there, but I am still proud to be one! I think this season might kick start the show back into action and am very excited to see where they take the storyline. Also very excited to see Quinto on my TV again. π

Super excited to see ABC’s new series, Flash Forward, especially since it’s been labeled as the next LOST. I was lucky enough to attend their panel at Comic-Con and view 3/4ths of the pilot – very good stuff!

Bored to Death is a new HBO series starring Jason Schwartzman, which is an instant win for both me and the hubs. He is one of our favorites! The crime comedy centers around Schwartzman’s character, who after a painful breakup, decides to emulate all his childhood heroes and become a PI.
I could probably go on & on, but I’ll let you guys share which shows you are gearing up for in the fall!
Chris says
Only one new show this season seems to have caught my attention, and it’s partially because I already saw the pilot at Comic-Con! Veeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Roxæ says
They’ve been showing commercials for Bored to Death for what seems like forever! I want to see it already!
I am highly anticipating the return of Fringe! Aaand Flash Forward, V, Glee…hmm, that’s about it coughVampireDiariescough π
Meli says
Oh I’m super excited about a whole bunch of shows, I just didn’t want to make some crazy epic post. SUPER jazzed for Glee – I know it is going to be my favorite new show – and Fringe will surely blow our minds again!
Elsie says
I’m excited about How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory and really really excited to see what happens on Criminal Minds because the season finale was a HUGE cliffhanger!
Adrienne says
I’m excited for “Community” — Joel Mchale and Chevy Chase’s new project, the new season of Parks and Recreation, and the new Top Chef.
Also, Weeds is on during the summer. Do you not watch it? If so, you’re missing out!
Amanda says
I’m looking forward to Flash Forward too! I was almost heartbroken when I thought I had class on Thursday nights but thankfully I read wrong. And Joseph Fiennes is nice to look at too.
Adri says
I need to get HBO!
Meli says
Yes! Community looks great!
I do not watch Weeds! We are planning on starting that on Netflix soon π
Thanks for all the input, everyone!
& Adri, yes! Get it!
afreshPOV says
HOUSE! Can’t wait to see how Hugh Laurie’s going to pull off this season π I also watch Ugly Betty and Grey’s Anatomy. 24 doesn’t come back till same time as Lost, both of which I’m excited for, and…
Heroes fans unite!! Especially with the new Sylar/Nathan/Matt triangleish π Can’t wait!!