Two years ago, I was getting married to my best friend, my true love, my everything. It was by far the most amazing day of my life and if I could, I would choose to groundhog-day-it over and over again. Thankfully, those strong feelings of warmth and love I experienced the day of have not yet subsided two years later.
I am extremely lucky to be married to a person that loves me for who I am, faults and all. Someone that knows me better than I know myself. Someone that would sacrifice their own happiness for mine. He is the person I trust. The person that makes me feel safe. The person that can truly make me smile, inside and out.
Happy anniversary, my love. I am truly the luckiest wifey.
Travel the world
Traverse the skies
Your home is here
Within my heart
– Smashing Pumpkins
Stand Inside Your Love
Elsie says
Awww!!! You guys are the cutest. <333