Now that I have had some extra time on my hands to read, I’ve really been enjoying the Sookie Stackhouse series, which inspired HBO’s True Blood. I am currently on Book 4, and although it is shaping up to be my favorite so far, I really enjoyed Book 3 so I can’t wait to see the way they decide to translate it on the show. HBO knows that there are many die-hard “Truebies” out there, so they made this sweet little teaser to (attempt to) tide us over until June. Also, for those fellow fans, the biggest recent news was that the role of Alcide (sweet & sexy werewolf that becomes involved with Sookie in more ways than one) was given to Joe Manganiello, who has appeared on How I Met Your Mother and One Tree Hill in the past. At first, I wasn’t all that happy with the casting, but he has grown on me after doing several google image searches 😉

I haven’t really shared this information on the blog because I wanted to make sure I could stick with it for a certain period of time. I’m happy to say that I have been working with a great personal trainer twice a week for the past month and have made vast improvements so far. Although I didn’t think I was “fat,” I had definitely gained more poundage than I was comfortable with and did not want it to continue piling on. I’m super happy with my more healthy lifestyle and although at times I’d like to kick my trainer in the face, it’s hard not to see the difference in my abs, arms and legs after our workouts. My goal is to be in tip-top shape by my 29th birthday in July. And I know I can do it. If any of you are interested in my trainer’s contact information, please let me know.

Isn’t she beautiful? I have been in love with the Eames Rocking Chair for some time now thanks to all the incredible home decor blogs I subscribe to, unfortunately, it came with a very hefty price tag, so I just filed it away as one of those “fantasy home items.” Well thankfully, I was able to stumble on a replica through Amazon that really made having one of these (or at least the style) a reality. The Modern Classics Accent Rocking Chair by Baxton Studios is being sold for $158 (& free shipping, wooo!) and I can’t wait to call it mine! For now it’ll go in my beloved pink room until it’s ready to make an appearance in a nursery in a few years. Even better? The replicas have been noted to be more durable and eco-friendly than the original Eames due to the knock-offs using fiberglass instead of polypropylene shells. What’s not to love?

Ack! So I know I’ve featured a similar lighting setup in earlier posts, but I just adore this trend of the bare bulb. So industrial and raw. And I love the way this one from the A+R Store brings in some color in the silicone rubber cord to make it more whimsical and fun! Decide which color suits you best, or just get one of each! They are $98 each, so have a blast (and check out the store’s other amazing items)!

My favorite Boston Terrier centric website and store, All Mighty, just posted these adorable embroidered hoodies on their Flickr account. Although I can’t find them on the store just yet, I know I must have one! I’m sure all my fellow Boston lovers and smushed-face dog enthusiasts will understand. All hail All Mighty!
Anika says
True Blood!! I got way too excited when I saw that teaser the other day. Google image searches also converted me to an Alcide casting fan. Plus I read an interview where he said that when he was little, he wanted to be a werewolf, which I thought was adorable. At least he’ll be into the part! Also, ohhh Book 4. Probably my favorite too. Team Eric for life. 😉
& congrats on getting in shape! I’m working on that too. Last Monday I started watching what I eat A LOT more (sticking to the nutritionists’ plan I got a couple years ago) and I’ve already lost 6 pounds. Next step is rejoining my yoga studio. I’m super excited. We are going to be Comic Con hotties! <3
Tammy says
Meli, Joe Manganiello looks soooo close to how I imagined him, it’s crazy! He’s quite sexy and hot =)
And congrats on getting into shape. I really really need to do that too. I know I am not fat either, but I am so not comfortable with how I look now. Thanks for inspiring me =)