Wow what a night!
As promised, here is my “better late than never” post about last night’s LOST party and 2-hour season opener. The first half will focus on the party and then I’ll make sure to put any spoilers or information about the show under a cut so that those who have yet to see the show won’t want my head on a platter. π
The party was a complete success! Almost all of our LOSTie buddies were able to make it and I think it’s safe to say that we all had a great time being little fan girls and boys together. In case you were wondering, that’s my super-duper-I’m-so-excited face in the photo above. We were about to hit play on the DVR.
1: Both the hubs and I made Sawyer-iffic fish biscuits thanks to this great recipe. It was really difficult and quite the mission, but I think they turned out pretty decent. And they ended up tasting like animal crackers – nom nom!
2: I made my infamous pumpkin cupcakes (recipe here) with cream cheese frosting. In order to make them Dharma worthy, I added some fun custom flags (template here) with the Dharma logo on one side and the numbers on the other. They were a huge hit!
3: The complete table setup. Plenty of Dharma rations and a little recruit area complete with party favors (Dharma mints) and job titles on labels. Our guests were able to choose what job they would like in the Dharma Initiative. I really enjoyed watching people as they picked their occupations. It was really fun π
4: Mini chocolates also were dressed in Dharma gear. The remainder are now at my office – they are dangerous to have laying around the house.
Now on to the show!

– Locke is Jacob’s Nemesis who is also the Smoke Monster! Holy shiz!
– Desmond in on the Flight 815. Or is he? Jack seemed to be the only one who saw him & then he disappeared.
– Charlie said “I was supposed to die.” Destiny and fate seem to still be in place in this alternate reality.
– Speaking of alternate realities – these new “flash sideways” – are they happening concurrently? Or are they two separate timelines? I was hoping by the end of the two hours they would somehow weave them together, but apparently I was asking too much. I should know better by now! Heh.
– When Juliet told Sawyer (through Miles), “it worked,” did she mean the reset button? Then why are they still there?
– Do not fuck with me and main character’s lives. I almost had a heart attack when Sayid was “dead.”
– Hurley continues to see dead people. That’s one constant lol.
– When “Smocke” (as he has been labeled by fans already) comes out onto the beach and sees Alpert, he says it’s nice to see him out of chains. The hubs thinks it may be alluding to the Black Rock?
– Miles made a funny face while looking at Sayid’s dead body. What did Sayid tell him?
– What was written on the note in the ankh?
So for the season that promises to answer all our questions, these first two hours sure did deliver a new set of head-scratching questions rather than answers, but I know it is just the beginning of what will surely be an amazing season! What did you guys think? Do you have any theories? Leave them in the comments!
karina says
yayyyyyyy i made it on Melificent!!!!!!!!!
i think the two story-lines are happening concurrently, as in parallel universes. D&C said that we may get a lot of answers to the more LOST-mythology questions we’ve been piling up over the seasons, but the parallel universe/convergence of the two ‘realities’ is going to be more of a slow burn for the season. i guess when and how they finally meet up (if they do), it’ll be the key to the entire show. hopefully.
but, as with most things about this show, i could be totally wrong. and i love that. lol
Roxæ says
Lol, so many questions! (But like Karina said, that’s why we love LOST so.) The season opener did not dissapoint and neither did your fabulous decorations π I can’t believe this is the beginning of the end but I also can’t wait to see how everything comes together.
Melissa says
FISH BISCUITS! That’s awesome!
I honestly don’t think these parallel universes are happening concurrently. I think the island’s in 2007, and the altverse is still is 2004. A sideways flashback, if you will. I predict by the end of the show, we will see the sidewaysverse catch up chronologically with Island Time, and everyone in the altverse will eventually go to the Island. PHEW!
Meli says
I love all these theories!!!
Augi and I are throwing some around but we can only talk about it for some time before our heads hurt. LOL