Today there is only one Lovable Friday item and that is because something absolutely magical happened yesterday afternoon. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you are in the know, but for the remaining 2 people who do not, here’s the deal:
Bush is getting back together. Remember I posted about it here? Well, Epicenter Fest, the music festival hosting their first performance together since 2002, has been randomly giving away passes to the show (regular and VIP) through their own Twitter and Facebook accounts. I’ve obviously been entering, hoping to win so I can actually afford to go.
And yesterday afternoon…I won.
I flipping won.
I’m going to see Bush LIVE (in SoCal no less). I am in complete and utter shock. And since it was a pair of tickets, I invited one of my closest friends and Bush partner in crime since 1999, Bonnie. We are absolutely thrilled for the trip – I’ve always wanted to travel to see a band with girlfriends and here I am! I say girlfriends because not only am I going to share this experience with Bonnie, but also with about 19 other hardcore Bush/Gavin Rossdale fans that I have become friends with over the past year on Twitter and Facebook. We refer to ourselves as GRoupies (cute, right?) and are making the trek from all over the U.S. for this show.
All in all, it’s going to be one hell of good time.
Can life get any better? I don’t think so.
I love my life.
In the words of Jason Stackhouse:
Thank you God, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Allah, Confusion, Buddha, Scientology, Aliens and the lion from Narnia!
Ace says
Congrats on winning the tix! That’s very, very AWESOME! =)
Andrea says
LOL! I’m so happy for you Meli!!!
Anika says
So excited for you!! Was your lottery ticket the big winner? b/c this luck is insane. 😉
Also, Jason thanking the lion from Narnia was so my favorite.
Elsie says
Lol. It’s awesome to see you so excited!
Rosie says
That is fo f-ing COOL. However when I saw : I won: I freaked out thinking you had won MTV TJ… but this is way cool as well, Good for you!
al says
Epic major congratulations!
Meli says
Thank you everyone – I’m beyond thrilled!