When I got home from work on Friday, there was only one thing on my mind: relaxation. I had had one hell of a week and definitely deserved some downtime. Thankfully, the weather has been a lot more cooperative as of late so the pool called to me as I stepped in the front door. I debated it, since I had so much work to do, both around the house and for the office (take home work always sucks), but finally the pool won. I quickly slapped on my bikini, grabbed a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon (we are low on beer) and hit the water! It was really relaxing just to float in complete peace and quiet (aside from the passing traffic on the other side of the fence) and say hello to my weekend.

Saturday was my favorite little boy’s 4th birthday: my nephew! He had a great time at his race car themed party at a local school. I have to say I teased my sister quite a bit for buying several bite-sized cars on Ebay to have the kids race with, but they had a complete and total blast. In fact, I had a blast just watching them! And possibly the best part of the day was watching my nephew speed around with a gigantic smile on his face. Happy birthday, little guy!
This week will be especially tough on me as I have to find the time to concentrate amid the excitement – I leave next week to Comic-Con!!! Can I press the fast forward button and then the slow-mo?
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