The lovely Lori Todd made a tweet yesterday suggesting that all dog lovers out in the Twitterverse blog about their 4-legged-ones today and I just couldn’t resist. I mean, look at my cute little rascals up there. They are just too adorable!
We get a lot of questions regarding our dogs so I thought I would share a little about them here on the blog. They are both pure bred Boston Terriers. If I could recommend any breed to future dog owners, I would recommend Bostons and not just because I have such a wonderful pair. They are just so energetic, funny and intelligent. Their personalities are so clearly defined – I think so much more than other breeds. They are also so loving and friendly. Definitely great family pets and the perfect size for apartment living – which was our initial concern. I can honestly say that they make me laugh every day.
Bostons come in many shapes and sizes, but mainly are categorized into either the large breed or small. Our oldest, Brad-Pitt, definitely tips the scale far on the large side. He is 5 years old and comes in at about 34 lbs! The question we get the most about BP (as we nicknamed him) is, “Why did you name him that?” Well, some couples have baby names picked out, we had puppy names. And the hubs was dead set on naming our dog after a big-name celebrity. Why? He thought it would be funny to call out, “Brad-Pitt, don’t hump my leg!” or “Brad-Pitt, who said you could eat my thongs?” Yes, we are 12-years-old. So that is why when I saw his little face peering out at me from a little cage at a puppy store, I knew immediately that we had found Brad-Pitt. I have to admit, calling out his full name has turned many heads and elicited a lot of laughs.
Names aside, Brad-Pitt really is the coolest cat dog in town. He is so intelligent, it’s frightening sometimes, loves love more than life itself and does not like to be pet unless he solicits it first. His upper lip also gets stuck on his teeth often, creating what we refer to as Skeletor. Please reference the picture below:
Brad-Pitt does Skeletor
He is scared shitless of vacuums, blowdryers and garbage trucks. Basically, anything that makes a very loud and obnoxious noise. He also sneezes uncontrollably and stares at me in disgust (please reference photo above once more) when I paint my nails – he cannot stand the smell. He is a chewer. Back in the day, when he was an only dog, he would destroy all my favorite shoes. It was heartbreaking. When I learned my lesson and started putting my shoes away, he moved on to furniture. Jerk. The latest and greatest in our new home are the base boards. But it’s difficult to stay mad at him when he’s so darn cute.
Gwen does Obi-Wan
Cue our baby girl, Gwen (or Baby G, as I like to call her). Gwen is a 2-year-old tiny little ball of fury. She barely comes in at 14 lbs. but makes up for it in spunk. I always guilt-tripped the hubs that BP was his dog, not mine and wanted a dog that would love me more than him (I’m greedy that way). So we set out to find a Melificent pup. I already had the name ready (of course), and it was not Gwen. It was Voldemort. My own evil-doing wizard dog. It was perfect. When we finally picked out Baby G from the mess of adorable puppies, and sat her on my lap in the car, she just did not say Voldemort. She was so girly and frail. She needed a cute and feminine name to match. That’s when it came to me: Gwen – named after the beautiful and quirky Ms. Stefani! The rest is history.
Gwen is so hyper, she can barely function. My most favorite characteristic of hers is her crazy, Cheshire Cat smile. We are greeted with it every time we get home, when she gets our attention or when she hears her name. Unfortunately, she’s usually shaking around like a Tickle Me Elmo doll as she smiles, so I haven’t been able to capture it successfully on film (boo). But it is magical. She also loves to cuddle, enjoys belly rubs and greets all our friends by taking a deep breath of crotch. She’s currently obsessed with a large bouncy ball, which she chases and attempts to hold still between her paws. This causes her to pant heavily and look completely and utterly insane. Don’t believe me? Check out this hysterical video I took a couple days ago:
Gwen hates…well, nothing. She is fearless. The one thing I can think of that kind of ruffles her feathers are pillows (yes, I’m serious) and the pool. She jumps on people entirely too much for my liking and gets so excited to see guests that she often pees. She was nicknamed Houdini by the hubs’ coworkers because she can get out of any crate, corral or pen you attempt to put her in. She was actually seen scaling a baby gate. SCALING.
And we are not the only ones that love these little guys, two of the most vocal Boston loving celebrities are Famke Janssen and Rose McGowan, who are always seen toting around their “little gentlemen” as they are referred to due to their perma-tux coloring. Also, us Boston owners like to sport our love, and no one does it better than All Mighty, an online store full of adorable Boston Terrier tees, accessories and even doggy costumes!
Overall, these little guys are more than pets to me, they are my family. And I love them dearly. They have grown to own a pretty substantial part of my heart and I can’t imagine my life without them. Brad-Pitt & Gwen, despite all the farting, inappropriate pooping, dirty paws on the bed and destruction, you are both the best dogs in the entire world.
If you agree, follow their Twitter account: @BPandGwen
Penn says
I PUFFY GLITTERY STICKY SQUEAKIE HEART & ADORE Gwen & BP. that is all- back to your regularly scheduled program.
Adrienne says
Such cuties. Dogs make life so much better.
LOL @ “You look completely insane right now… alll right!”
Sabrina says
Your dogs are adorable! When my sister was first planning on getting a puppy she showed me pictures of Brad-Pitt and I fell in love! I don’t have any pets, but if I did I have a feeling I’d get a Boston Terrier…
Meli says
The babies are flattered. Thanks for the sweet words 🙂