Ain’t that the truth?
Did you know January 24th is supposedly the most depressing day? Researchers say this is due to the inability to follow through with new year’s resolutions, the pile up of bills after gift buying, and the disappearance of holiday cheer and family fun. Well, both Melificent and Lulus.com have teamed up to squash that theory with the help of an amazing giveaway! How would you like to win a $50 shopping spree at Lulus.com? Mmhmm, that’s what I thought!
How do you enter?
It’s simple!
Leave a comment below chronicling the last time you had to employ a little bit of retail therapy.
For additional entries:
1. Become a fan of Melificent on Facebook
2. Tweet the following: Want to win a $50 shopping spree from @Lulusdotcom? Visit @SoMelificent’s blog to enter: http://ow.ly/3Gwpx
I will be choosing a winner at random a week from today, January 27th, so make sure to check the blog for the announcement – it could be YOU!
Kristin says
So, it’s not the LAST time I indulged in retail therapy, but it’s a time that stands out in my mind. I was really depressed one day when I was in college. I’d realized that while I enjoyed and excellent in Calculus 1, Calc 2 was just not for me. So much so that I was just going to stop going to class and take the F so that I could dedicate more time other classes, like Matrices and Linear Algebra. (Side note, if you make all A’s in your other classes, an F doesn’t hurt too bad!) SO… I went to the mall later that day and ended up going home with a pair of overpriced Sketchers Four-wheelers. They were so pretty & sparkly, and roller skating is fun! I think I’ve worn them twice… But, they made me feel better at the time!
Aliza Edery says
The last time I enjoyed a little retail therapy was last week. I can’t indulge myself a lot because I’m out of a job, but I found these nail polish strips by Sally Hansen and decided to indulge myself. Being out of work leads to some depressing times and wearing make up, wearing nice clothes and doing my nails make me look better and in turn feel better about myself. I can’t wait to try them out.
Elissa says
My last retail therapy day was a week or so ago… and it was much needed from a long week of stressing over more than just a couple things.
I spent my time at Anne Taylor Loft, Sephora, Williams Sonoma, and Bed Bath and Beyond.
Adrienne says
To be honest, I really only enjoy the online variety of retail therapy. I dislike being in crowded malls with endless lines. I’m willing to risk something not fitting right for it to show up on my doorstep 😛 Anyway, my last “therapy session” was at Ann Taylor Loft, which has turned into a big favorite of mine — their clothes are classy and feminine and work well both in and outside the office. I bought a few extras that I didn’t necessarily need (such as 2 giant beaded necklaces!) and I <3 them.
Hope it's okay that I'm entering… I feel guilty because I've won one of your awesome giveaways in the past!
Eli says
hmmm.. I don’t do retail therapy too often, just because I prefer yoga, massages, eating delicious food, etc. to de-stress (and unlike Adrienne, my fear of things not fitting quite right is too great to enjoy online shopping!). But I guess the last time was at Dadeland Mall when I was feeling stressed out at the end of a semester, and decided it was time to find a dress for Christmas. I ended up at this small store called, “Canela” and I was so pleasantly surprised! TWO dresses fit great, so I bought them both! Finding good dresses is hard, so I was very excited to find 2 the same day 🙂
Arlene says
I probably shouldn’t say this BUT when I was working from home over Christmas break, I was really tired of sitting at home for such a long time so I would leave the house in the middle of the day to go to Target, Dolphin Mall, wherever!
Practically everything was on sale over the holidays so needless to say, I picked up a few things and took advantage of the huge after-Christmas sales 😉
Anika says
I have to say, the influx of the sample sale sites like Gilt, RueLaLa, & HauteLook have seriously amped up my retail therapy, particularly because I can do it from my chair at my office when I’m having a bad day. Case in point: yesterday I ordered a new L.A.M.B. purse and wallet from Gilt. When it arrives at my door, it’s like a present. 😉
Elsie says
Just last Monday. It’s a terrible addiction. I tell myself I can’t buy anything because I’m broke, and then I end up at Old Navy and get sucked in. O_O But damn it makes me feel good.
Amanda says
I was had just gotten a ticket for speeding and was kind of disappointed in myself. I ended up at Ulta and bought a bunch of make up and beauty products to cheer me up from my mistake.
Sabrina says
Yikes…that would be last weekend. I was a little bummed out in general, and I took it out on my wallet. Shopping does give you quite a rush, even though the hangover can be brutal sometimes…
Cheryl says
About a month ago. I had been living out of the country for about 2 years and hadn’t bought clothes for the longest time. When I came home, nothing in my closet seemed to work for me anymore. I took advantage of some online sales, so at least I got some good deals while making myself feel better 🙂
Jackie says
I worship at the temple of Retail Therapy.
I had a particular successful run at Nordstrom Rack the week after Christmas….I happened to be hit with a boatload of stress at work and with a downturn in my grandfather’s health at the same time. I promptly took myself to tha’ Rack and loaded up on shoes, jackets, leggings, tops and a purse.
The damage was EPIC.
Will (my hubby) didn’t speak to me for the rest of the day. (But would I do it again? F*ck yes.)
And that’s all I have to say about that.
ND says
The times of full-on splurging have almost been replaced with paying bills, a mortgage and Costco. Having a family and kids comes with the need to be financially responsible. However “me” time is always important to help destress. Just this Friday I splurged on a much needed eyebrow shaping/wax, Starbucks and went clearance rack shopping at Target. To keep from feeling guilty on my self-indulgence I bought some pjs, shirts, shorts and tights for my girls. Retail therapy works even if buying gear for others =)
Kim M. says
I don’t do retail therapy, but I will go shopping when I need to! I’ve been stuck in the house for a while, bored and depressed. So I decided that today I needed to get out of the house and pick up some things that I needed. I went to Sears to exchange some sweats, and then I went to JCPenney to get a shirt with the sweats and to also replace my beaten-down house shoes with some new slippers. I sure felt better afterwards. I got out of the house, got some exercise, did some needed shopping, and cheered up a little all at the same time.
Corrine says
Retail therapy has gotten me through some of the longest days of my life… and I agree with the quote at the top of the article! (I usually spend less on the spree than I do in 1 hour with the therapist!) Last time I went retail-therapy shopping was the day before Christmas. I was that desperate! I grabbed a pair of comfortable Uggs in the classic camel color and wore them for Christmas morning 🙂
Imsu says
It was last Saturday. Something I needed after a whole week of pathetic exams. I spend the entire day at the mall! It was tiring but refreshing as well.
Sarah says
I feel like every time I go shopping, no matter what item I buy, it makes me feel so good. Last week I had been feeling bored and a little overwhelmed with work and classes, so I went out and bought a gorgeous purple dress that fits me perfectly! I felt so confident, and I can’t wait to wear it out.
Monica says
I did like retail therapy but now cutting it down and a broken car helps prevent me shopping as often lol. But, there is always online shopping such as Lulu’s awesome clothing available to everyone wherever you live. 🙂
Erin says
My last retail therapy session involved bra & panties shopping. It is seriously THE BEST thing to do (besides shoe shopping) to “uplift” the spirits, feel pretty & special! That session was brought on by a tough client at work. Since I was in need of some new bras, and also needed to break out of my thunderous stress cloud, it worked out perfectly! With a Lulu’s GC, I would definitely get some lovely shoes to reward myself for paying my bills off!
Melody says
My husband and I are expecting a girl in March and there are tons of beautiful items for baby girls. The last time I was in Target, I picked up some Christmas stockings, socks and a car seat cover on clearance. I wasn’t in a particular sad mood, but getting those deals really sweetened the day :0)
molly says
Who doesn’t need retail therapy after a rough breakup? I could have a big list going saying all the emotions i felt after my breakup, but i would rather talk about how shopping can save a spirit! With a wonderful mother as my trustful shopping companion and a bit of Christmas money, I was able to turn my anger and frustration into a day of confidence and fun! Nordstroms can cure anything!! I also was able to buy the Gold Dj Sequin dress for New Years allowing me to feel excited being single and ready for a new start and new year!!! 🙂 I love lulus!
Arshi says
It was during the holiday season – I need three dresses, for a charity dinner, Xmas and New Year’s Eve! After stalking all the fave haunts – I managed to find all three at the same retailer: A French conneciton LBD for New Year eve, a sophiticated yet sexy black with lovely silver embelleshment black CK number for the dnner and a cobalt blue vintage one for Xmas 🙂 I adore vintage cuts with a modern spin and retail therapy is always one big treasure hunt for me 😉 I love good deals and am always game for a day out searching for the best bargains! 🙂
tracy says
I employed a little bit of retail therapy last night at Home Goods. When I’m having ‘one of those days’ after work I head over there pretty much to walk around and take pics of the random things I see that interest me (that have some crazy stuff). Occasionally I will also find an amazing piece that ‘I must have’. Yesterday I found one for Elissa. HAHA A VERY cute Owl! I picked up a small cupcake tray cause I’m gonna try the baking thing… Wish me luck on how that goes!
Ashley says
Right before Christmas, I was feeling stressed and then I got news that TJ Maxx had some LAMB wallets & small bags! I treated myself to a new wallet & I still get giddy every time I see it.
Jennifer says
I pretty much “shop” everyday. I don’t buy anything but I do look at a lot of stuff online. The last time I did some serious retail therapy I bought a whole bunch of stuff from Land’s End Canvas. But the best part about it was the fact that everything that I bought was on sale and there was free shipping!
Narad says
Well, I agree with Jennifer. I love shopping and check pretty much daily, just online, searching, checking out whats new and in fashion for the season. Its very tempting to want all those things!! but at least I search the clothes online, while I can’t afford much right now. Last time I really shop was to buy gifts for everyone for christmas, and at the same time I did buy some things for myself with couple of gift cards I received over a year.
Kathy says
My last retail therapy was around a month ago. I had just finished all my stressing University exams and thought I needed a lil me shopping time. :]