When you have a blog, and you start putting it out there (or attempting to), the first question asked is always the most dreaded for me: “What kind of blog is it?” It seems like the most basic of questions. One you should be able to answer without a second thought, but for me, a blogger that has been struggling to find some sort of focus for 2 years, it is a nightmare. Or is it?
I had been putting off the search for focus because I like the fact that I can post about anything and everything. The sky is the limit; I am not pigeon holed to only discuss one topic. But at the same time, every video created by famous bloggers states that your number one goal is to narrow your focus and decide what kind of blogger you want to be. Well, shit.
Looks like I am going to have define myself after all.
I thought I had back a few months ago when I decided to tout myself as the geeky girl’s guide to cool. However, that didn’t really seem to pan out very well, with a lot of my interests not always necessarily falling under the geeky girl umbrella, so I was back to square one.
My hubs has mentioned that I have a fashion/lifestyle blog, but honestly, what the hell does a lifestyle blog even mean? My blog is about me and the things I like, which I hope several other people will like as well. What does that make me? How can I describe my blog while networking (or just socializing) that would properly convey its image?
Is anyone suffering from the same blog identity crisis? Does anyone have any tips or suggestions?
Marilise says
Sigh. Sigh. And just one more time, sigh. I can’t offer advice because I’m constantly struggling with the same thing since I pretty much blog about whatever interests me, but I can offer my sincere empathy, lol 🙂 <3
Adri says
I would go with the lifestyle blog since it is about your lifestyle. I remember reading the same thing when I started my blog, but it was really difficult to come up with daily content on a book blog when I don’t have time to read a book a day and, well, with the baby there’s no more time for reading. period. Unless of course, I post about baby-related reading which would then turn into a mommyhood blog.
Although narrowing the focus may make other blogs successful, I like that your blog is open to whatever you want to post about. It may take longer to become famous, but you’ll get there.
LaNerdista says
Could have written this entry myself. And I second the sighing. I used to work as editor in a fashion/luxury lifestyle publication which was perfect. I got paid and I got to write about and interview people in the industry. I didn’t have to write every single day. Maybe four times a month, which is frankly as often a I could. I can’t imagine having to write about the same topic once a day. But the way the Internet works it sees you have to become
Laser-specific about a topic to become successful. That has been my problem as well. It’s worked for others. I grappled with the geek thing, the media stuff, pop culture, straight fashion, green initiatives, publishing…barf, you name it. The mommyhood thing makes me want to barf. I feel your pain. And
I struggle with the whole niche thing. The Internet can be a writer’s best frienemy.
LaNerdista says
Sorry for the typos. I was writing on my iPhone whilst on my elliptical machine.
Melissa says
The one thing I struggle with is whether to call it a blog or a website. I tend to call BandCrab a website (though it is in blog format) because, admittedly, I’m a snob. I started to get very jealous of music blogs who were getting scoops that I as a print music journalist couldn’t. So I sort of did the “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” thing and started BandCrab.
michelle m says
I guess I’m in a similar spot but I haven’t started a blog yet, pretty much because I don’t know how to focus, or rather, I don’t want to focus. But I also realize not focusing is going to shut out readers: I could blog about knitting/crafting, but my sense of humor doesn’t really jive well with that crowd, it seems…
The Fashionable ESQ says
I just want people to visit mine.
You have a great layout/design/and I’ve always said – you are the most colorful (in a good way) girl that I know. Like the Gwen Stefani of my girls.
Maaaddd love.
Erin says
First off, I look up to your blog Meli and I wouldn’t have ever thought that you felt it was unfocused. I definitely don’t think it’s entirely unfocused. And it seems like you’ve been really successful so far.
I’m really, really new to this game so take what I say with a tiny grain of salt, but I just read Gary Vaynerchuk’s book Crush It! last night and it completely pumped me up. His big thing is authenticity. And I honestly think you’ve been doing that really well. Lots of my favorite blogs are about people who are just being themselves, including “lifestyle” blogs. So what’s wrong just having a blog about you? People wouldn’t be coming here if they didn’t like it and you, right?
Unless you want to find a niche and make this your business, in which case his other thing is all about passion. What are you so passionate about that working on it every day would energize you? What topic could you immediately come up with 50 posts on and be completely psyched to write about?
He has a great video on youtube from a Web 2.0 in 2008. I don’t mean to sound like I’m shilling for him, but that video really helped me think and refocus on what I want to focus on, if that makes any sense at all.
I’ll stop babbling now, but I’ve been thinking a lot about this topic too.
Terri says
I think that your blog is great, and to me it does have focus. I feel like your blog is about your life, your expression of happiness and the things that you love and enjoy. You write about music and fashion, hot guys, charity work, your career… your happy little life!
I think rather than pinning down one specific theme for this or any blog, you should just about what you really love because it comes through your writing and I think that is why we all love reading about your life, because it really seems that you love your life… <3
penn says
i appreciate the HELL out of this post… why? because how do i focus on a topic on the blog when i have perpetual ADD with a twist of ADHD and a dollop of obsession (times 100)? Thank you!