As I mentioned during yesterday’s post, I am a teen of the 90’s. Some say I haven’t really moved on, especially musically. I just don’t think anyone can compare to the wonderfully grungy, alternative bands of the decade. Is that so wrong?

I was inspired by some fun I had on Facebook a few weeks ago, when I started uploading some of my favorite 90’s videos. All my friends seemed to love it, and we had a great time reminiscing about “the good old days” (are we getting old or what!). So without further ado, here were some of my most favorite 90’s music videos:
Smashing Pumpkins – Bullet w/ Butterfly Wings
I recorded this video on VHS and had it memorized, to the point that I could imitate all of Billy’s movements/actions throughout the entire thing. This is when my crush was at an all time fever pitch.
Bush – Greedy Fly
Forget Glycerine, this was my favorite Bush video. It was so over the top & ridiculous. I remember watching MTV, barely able to control myself, as they had a countdown clock rolling until the world premiere (back before vids would leak on the Interwebs).
Silverchair – Freak
I was ridiculously in love with Daniel Johns. My friends and I even made him this HUUUUGE birthday card that one of us gave to his manager at a concert. Sadly, I wasn’t allowed to go to that show, as my mom didn’t let me go outside of Miami to see concerts when I was 15. I clearly remember crying hysterically the entire day of the show. I still have never seen Silverchair live. I’m not bitter or anything.
No Doubt – Sunday Morning
In the 90’s, I had a love/hate relationship with Gwen Stefani. You see, I adored her, but she was dating my main man, Gavin Rossdale. That was a major no-no in my book, as clearly I was going to marry him. My little 15 year old mind didn’t know what to do with these conflicting emotions, so I just stuck to focusing on the music. This song and video basically represent everything I love about No Doubt and always will. And I’m proud to admit I finally got over my issues with the Stefani-Rossdale’s…OK, so it took awhile. π
Nine Inch Nails – The Perfect Drug
The world’s best video representation of a song? YES. The imagery in this video was mind-blowingly perfect, especially to a Tim Burton/vampire obsessed teenager. I also happen to think this is one of NIN’s best tracks.
Blink-182 – Josie
Blink-182 was a little known secret in Miami. As in, no one knew who the hell they were when we were 16 and juniors in high school. But my little group of friends and I did. And they were our perfect little secret. And this video, that MTV’s 120 minutes would play late-night, made me swoon. How cute were these boys? How awesome was this new pop/punk I had never heard in my life? Then, they blew up senior year and my bubble was popped. But this video will always hold a very special place in my heart.
311 – All Mixed Up
Oh, 311. They have managed to continue their success way past the 90’s and are just as wonderful as ever. This was my favorite song off their self-titled album and I adored this video, mainly because I could watch Nick Hexum do that adorable little shimmy all day.
Weezer – Buddy Holly
Who didn’t love this fun video by Weezer? The grandpa cardigans, clips from Happy Days and good old rock and roll. There was just so much pulling at my heartstrings.
Nirvana – Heart Shaped Box
You can’t compile a list about 90’s music and not include Nirvana. It’s just sacrilege. This video was a treat for the eyes – couldn’t peel mine away while it was on. The colors, the concept….no wonder it won best alternative video in 1994.
Soundgarden – Black Hole Sun
Also another 90’s must. Everyone loved this song and was either disturbed or enamored by this music video. I’m sure it was the topic of many a water cooler discussion, but alas, I was only 13 years old so we kept it on the playground.
Sugar Ray – Every Morning
My husband groans every time I mention Sugar Ray as he thought they were one of the many bands that bastardized the 90’s music scene, but I adored their chipper, summery tunes. And also, Mark McGrath. I saw them countless times in concert and would just stare at his pretty face that was plastered on every product I owned. I found this video hilarious. Especially the poor girl in the head gear struggling to drink out of the water fountain. Comedy gold.
PUSA – Lump
Fun bands were few and far between in the 90’s. Everyone was too busy taking themselves seriously. That’s why everyone had a special place in their hearts for PUSA (Presidents of the United States of America) and their catchy and witty ditties. I had to honor Lump, as it was the first, but who remembers Peaches??? Best.
Sponge – Molly [Sixteen Candles]
Oh dear, did I dig this band. They used to play a whole lot of Sponge on our alternative station, SHE. That is, until SHE was buried and we were left with only one modern rock station. Ah, to think I complained those days. We now have NONE. My 14 year old self would have gone into seizures.
Spacehog – In The Meantime
This song and band were so strange and wonderful. It was like a breath of fresh air. I remember seeing them live in Coconut Grove at the annual Bed Races. You know, when the race used to be followed by some seriously awesome bands. Ah, the good old days.
Live – Lakini’s Juice
Live used to be and still is one of my favorite 90’s bands. They can still kick it like none other. Well, until they decided to call it quits in 2009 after some apparent legal issues? Yikes! Either way, Live’s work, especially during the Secret Samadhi days was top notch.
Oasis – Don’t Look Back In Anger
Both my favorite Oasis song and video. I used to tell my mom I wanted to live in this house. It’s pretty sad because this band could have done so much more if they weren’t such douche bags to each other, the media and their fans.
Sorry for the epic post, but this was such a special time for me and these videos seem to bring all the memories rushing back. What were some of your favorite music videos from the 90’s, or any other decade you grew up in?
Michelle says
Great songs! The “Empire Records” pic alone took me back!
Erin says
Ahhhh! You hit on so many of my favorites and this post brings back so many memories for me. I think it’s safe to say I was and always will be a 90s alternative kid at heart.
Ashley says
Oh man. This post! It seriously almost makes me cry! Like you, I was an alternative music video junkie in the 90s. I recorded 120 Minutes every Sunday and lived for the summers when I could stay up to watch Alternative Nation. I have dozens of vhs tapes filled with video, including at least 95% of the ones you listed! God I miss this time, the nostalgia is killing me (in a great way).
Nivs says
Meli, this post has MADE my freakin’ day! P.S. The Perfect Drug is STILL one of my favorite songs ever π
Ashley says
PS – I often feel like a creep for totally lusting after Daniel in the Freak video since he was SO young, but since I was the same age back then, it makes it ok right? π
Melissa says
Thank you for this! NOSTALGIA!
Oh, man, “BWBW” is the song/vid that got me into the Pumpkins and encouraged me to pick up the guitar. I can’t believe that was 16 years ago! *dies of old age*
Roxæ says
SO. MUCH. AWESOME. I’m not even going to bother listing all the ones I love, I’m just going to THANK YOU! I love hearing those first few notes of a song you know and having those memories just rush back. Also, I totally saw Space Hog at the Bed Races too!!
Marilise says
Love this!
Athena says
oooohhh man!!! all these songs! incredible! my 1997 playlist!!!! π i’ve seen empire records like 5 times recently haha i fucking love that movie and this music genre.
jess v says
Millions of peaches, peaches for me, millions of peaches, peaches for free! Love the post! So many great memories.
Meli says
I’m glad everyone loved the post so much – I had a great time writing it up. I don’t think a smile ever left my face the entire time!
& rest assured, Ash, you are not a creeper. He is hot in that video! π
Eves says
Although I was a little more “metal” than you back then, I completely agree that the 90’s were the best! I’m permanently stuck there, and I don’t care how many people made fun of the fact that I wore my Wu-Tang t-shirt to the gym today, lol!
Adri says
There’s this kid in homeroom in the library that plays all these songs from the 90s on his guitar. Some of the teachers and I get really into it, but it’s pretty sad to see none of the other kids know wth he is playing. It makes me feel old, but at least some kids appreciate good music!
Jen says
The Spacehog song is one of my favorite songs of all time. I graduated high school in the early 90s and loved a lot of these bands in college.