I really wish I could have more rugs in my home, but with 2 rowdy (& hairy) dogs, it’s always a bad idea. But something tells me that I would make an exception for this kick ass stamp rug emblazoned with the Queen’s likeness in bold, kicking colors. Maybe slapping one on the wall would be a better option. 😉

Yes, more bows. I’m sure all of you have had enough of my bow-lust and posts singing their praises, but I couldn’t help myself! Especially since this adorable bow pillow cover could be easily replicated by several people in my life. PROJECT!

I’m pretty sure I had a physical reaction when I saw these doors via Pinterest. How flipping amazing are they??? One of our future projects had always been to upgrade our sliding glass doors to french doors, but I think these fantastic modern barnyard doors won out. I can hear my hubby (and bank account) groaning already.

I may be a little late to this trend, but I’ve been dying to get myself a really cute jumpsuit. I just think they are like fashionable adult onesies, and who doesn’t dig a comfy onesie? This girl sure does. I am currently obsessed with this one from YesStyle – it’s only $22, but I’m a little weary since I’ve never ordered from the site. Has anyone else? Please let me know – you know you want to feed my shopping addiction. 😉

As I’m sure you all know by now, I’m a Boston Terrier mama, so any BT paraphernalia instantly catches my attention. This Boston pet placemat was no exception, especially at $3! I don’t know about the rest of your pups, but mine have to be the messiest eaters/drinkers in history. So not only is this item adorbs, but also useful. Win win!
Roxæ says
The stamp rug looks like a perfect addition for the pink room!