I remember back in my undergrad days, showing off your belly was totally in vogue.
In fact, I think my mid-section got more airtime than my own face during that time.
And now it seems that the trend has come back in crop tops once more. I’ve seen a lot of young girls sporting the look, and it isn’t always flattering, but I have to admit that I’ve been tempted to purchase one of these lately. I haven’t because I think I may be too old to rock them – my tummy definitely doesn’t look like it used to back in the day, but I’ve encountered some pretty cute styles out there. Then I saw this adorable ensemble on Lookbook, and I kind of fell in love:
So what do you guys think?
Should these tops be left to teens & college students in their early 20’s or
can an almost-30-year-old own this look?
Share in the comments!
Jax G. says
Melz, I totally remember rocking the belly-baring tops in my early 20s! Looking back, I can’t believe I was so fearless…even to go shopping at the mall, I’d make sure my tank barely grazed my navel.
And now? I tried one night to go out in one and I felt so…uncomfortable. I kept pulling my shirt down all night… is *it* an age thing? A body image thing? I don’t know. I think that look in the picture above is adorable…! I just don’t know if I have the stones to pull that off any more. 🙁
Ang says
I think the loose fitting option would be totally appropriate for anyone with the confidence to pull it off. You’d look great!
ThefashionableESQ says
I LOVE the site re-do.
THE PERKS OF AUGI!!! Amazing job!
The outfit from Lookbook.nu is like grunge-chic but it’s not for me.
I remember our entire highschool days, all you wore were little crops. Such a cute mange. <3
Melificent says
The first person to notice! It hasn’t been cleared for lift off, I should be making the official announcement tomorrow 😉
Melificent says
Ack! Maybe I’ll try it out when I come visit for my bday 😉
Melificent says
That’s how I fear I will feel too! 🙁
Although, I must say, you have no reason to worry with your Crossfit body!
elyse holladay says
easy solution: wearing a crop top over a tanktop or a dress or something. i’ve been wearing them w/ jeans and a tanktop, or with a maxi dress and a crop tee over it 🙂 way cuter!
elyse holladay says
easy solution: wearing a crop top over a tanktop or a dress or something. i’ve been wearing them w/ jeans and a tanktop, or with a maxi dress and a crop tee over it 🙂 way cuter!
elyse holladay says
easy solution: wearing a crop top over a tanktop or a dress or something. i’ve been wearing them w/ jeans and a tanktop, or with a maxi dress and a crop tee over it 🙂 way cuter!
Anonymous says
I had never thought of it that way, but it’s definitely something I can try out! Thanks for the tip 🙂