I was so flattered to see that I was given my first blog award from one of my oldest “online” pals, Terri. She just started a really great fashion blog full of cute inspiration posts, daily outfit photos and snippets of her every day life. You should definitely check it out and let her know that I sent you!
The Adorable Blog Award comes with a few rules, and here they are:
* Thank the person who gave you this award, and link back to them in your post.
* Tell us 10 things about yourself.
* Nominate your bloggers.
* Contact these bloggers, and let them know they received this award.
So, again, thank you Terri. I love your posts and have cherished your friendship through the last few years. I hope one day we can meet up for some drinks and gab about cute boys, fashion & blogging.
10 things you may hate love about me:
1. I have only gotten 2 manicures & 1 pedicure in my entire life. I don’t like people touching my hands & feet, so I do my own. Buying new polishes has become some sort of a therapy for me.
2. I was recently diagnosed as being gluten intolerant. This means I can’t have any food containing wheat, barley, rye & oats. I thought I had Celiacs (more severe), but have discovered that my system can tolerate certain foods (like pizza), in moderation, of course.
3. I will be 30 in only a couple of months. Some days I’m OK with it, but most of the time, I am most definitely not.
4. Some people wonder how I write up my blogs. I tend to write posts for the entire week on the Sunday prior. My day job is too hectic and requires too much attention for me to focus on the blog during the week.
5. I’m pretty sure I’m severely addicted to Pinterest.
6. I have an intense snake phobia. I’m also extremely claustrophobic, so please don’t jump on top of me in an attempt to playfully smother. I will most probably gnaw your arm off. Or my own.
7. I’m a super huge klutz. I knock things over, break items & fall basically every day.
8. I really love hair accessories. I have a serious collection of headbands, hair clips and hats.
9. You know how there are 2 kinds of people in this world? The ones that make decisions with their heads, and the others that make them with their hearts? I’m the latter. I’m an extremely emotional person & it has gotten me into some trouble, but I can’t change my ways. And to tell you the truth, I’m not sure I want to.
10. I have this knack for making friends. It started at a very young age. My mom used to say she would turn around for 5 seconds & when she’d look again, I would be introducing her to 10 new buddies. I don’t like being alone, and am at my happiest when I am surrounded by others (& there comes my love of parties). Those in my inner circle are very special to me, so much so that I tend to hold them on a pedestal. If that pedestal comes crashing down, I am completely devastated.
& I nominate the following bloggers:
The Fashionable ESQ
Jax of All Trades
Sisters not Designers
The Fashionable ESQ says
Well, lookie here.
Thanks, Mel!!!!!
And congratulations!!! Can I tell you again how obsessed I am with your new layout? It’s toooooooo cool.
i love it.
Teresa: Life & Style says
Thank Meli! You are the sweetest 🙂 I appreciate all the wonderful things you wrote, I would love it if we could meet in person one day… its been such a long online friendship – way back in the LiveJournal days!
xoxo youre the greatest!
Anonymous says
Nothing but love <3
Anonymous says
I’m kinda obsessed with it too!
Mallory Colliflower says
Too too too sweet, thank you! And do I even need to mention that I’m loving your new design?? Fun with an edge!
Anonymous says
Thank you! I’m totally digging it myself! Will I see you at She Con today?