Apparently I am missing out on something serious by not watching FX’s Sons of Anarchy. I have several friends that are always raving about it on the Facebooks, but I figured it was some dude-like show that I wouldn’t get into (cue Spartacus – it’s just so ridiculous), being about an outlaw motorcycle club and all. That was, until one of those friends posted the photo above, and I saw exactly what I was missing: Charlie Hunnam. Are you joking me with this guy? Not only does he look like that, but he’s also British (that gives him quite a few more points in my book) – something like that comes packaged with an English accent? Definitely not fair. I see my Netflix working in overdrive in the very near future to catch up with all seasons. Anyone care to join?
[…] show thanks to this blog post, from Melificent. Just finished watching all 3 seasons, can’t wait till it starts up again in […]
Elsie1224 says
He’s so pretty without the beard.
Anonymous says
Is it sad that I like him bearded better?
ps; he was on the original UK QAF 🙂
Roxy says
Good lord have mercy! what have I been missing?!! Can I watch! now! in Mute on pause, on his abs! (I love the beard too)
Tvega says
I love SOA, I actually got my husband and his cousin addicted to it. The have watched all 3 seasons in less than a month and are now anxiously waiting for next season to start. If these picture have you all hot and bothered then watch the show cause I distinctly remember a steamy shower scene in with a full rear shot.
Anonymous says
Yeah that was basically my reaction too.
Anonymous says
I think I may have to start this show.
Anika says
Good lord, that is one attractive man!
Megscamardi says
Brian is obsessed with this show. Maybe I should start watching 😉
Anonymous says
It doesn’t seem like a bad idea, right? 😉
Anonymous says
Roxy says
I just want you to know this is by far the most clicked post ever!!! I tell everyone about it and because of this post I’m already on season 3, its a sickness.
Anonymous says
Ha! I’m glad you are enjoying it on my behalf 😉
Rox says
STILL the most stalked post! If I’m having a bad day I just find this and all is well in the world <3 SWOON