As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I hosted a fun, girls-only get-together at my place this past weekend. My friends and I really love painting our nails and the majority of us have vast collections, so we thought, why not share? I paired manicures with friendship bracelets, a trend that seems to be spreading with fashion bloggers and a project I thought seemed easy enough. I mean, we all used to do these when we were younger right? Not exactly. They were way more difficult to construct than I remember, and I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that I couldn’t even make one that looked half decent. What a mess! However, I’m not a quitter, so I’m going to try to tackle one again soon – I will conquer the friendship bracelet! We all worked together while sipping on bubbly, and indulging on sweets. All in all, it was a really great afternoon and something we plan on making a monthly ritual.
For party planning details, click below!
I flanked the hot pink dino centerpiece with bins from the $1 section at Target filled with my nail polish collection. The one pictured above is full of my Essie shades, along with one rogue O.P.I. glitter-ific polish.
The whole set-up. I grabbed some excess tissue paper and cut strips into them to form a fun, colorful fringe for the table cloth.
I made these fun cards for each girl where they could list their favorite shades of the day, in case they want to buy them or request them the next time they are at their manicurist. The girls loved the idea and even painted little samples on the cards for further reference. How cute is that?
The girls getting down to business!
Lori’s finished product!
Next up were the bracelets!
Hard at work!
I made little milkshake shooters for the girls using mini Coca Cola bottles found at the $1 store for about $.49 each! Inspiration was found here.
I’m pretty sure they were a hit! 😉
Until September’s craft!
Vanessa Penagos says
This is such a wonderful idea! Looks like it was a lot of fun 🙂
Hey Gorgeous Events says
Thanks for linking to my mini milkshake shooters project!
Anonymous says
Of course! Loved the idea, & love your blog!
Anonymous says
We really had a great time – thanks!
Elsie1224 says
Can’t wait for the next one!
Anika says
What a fantastic party, Meli! LOVE the little nail polish cards. 🙂
& you always make everything look so fantastic! Fun fun fun. <3
Anonymous says
Neither can I – too much fun!
Anonymous says
Well thank you dear! One day you will be at one! ::crosses fingers::
ThefashionableESQ says
O.M.G This was SO CUTE. My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. Luckily, I’m free in September.
Anonymous says
LOL! Trying to figure out the date as we speak!
Party Planning says
Wow, great article, I really appreciate your thought process and having it explained properly, thank you!